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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Craziness Domain - What I'm wearing for grad.
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Posts: 54/356
Originally posted by neotransotaku
so, you aren't wearing a graduation gown? that is the first I've heard of a graduation that allows any type of dress... I know people do weird things at graduation, but they are always in a gown...

Oh! I dunno what kinda gowns we're wearing. But for the suit for whatever we're supposed to have suits for, that's my suit.
Posts: 1886/8204
Originally posted by Nebetsu
Alastor the Stylish: As it was pointed out before: It's a CHINESE outfit. Not Japanese.
I was saying what it MEANT, not that you ARE it.
Posts: 391/1860
so, you aren't wearing a graduation gown? that is the first I've heard of a graduation that allows any type of dress... I know people do weird things at graduation, but they are always in a gown...
Posts: 53/356
Ran-chan: I really doubt the school has the authority to take away for your deploma for a gag at graduation. Well... maybe in the US, but not here in Canada.
neotransotaku: What are you talking about: The picture shows the uniform as black and white. That's what I'm wearing, so I guess I would be wearing pink and orange.... I mean black and white. Oo
Posts: 383/1860
i don't know...i think it depends where it happened... anyways, we've gone way off topic...

if you are wearing black...makes me wonder what color your grad garments are, nebetsu?
Posts: 1332/3604
Yes, it means that he wouldn´t get his diploma. Maybe it wouldn´t cause that but it´d give the school a bad reputation.
Posts: 52/356
Rescinded? Does that mean taken away? And I really doubt that could actually do that.
Posts: 377/1860
i'm surprised he didn't get his diploma rescinded...because I'm sure that was against school policy. Although the hoopla that would come about would probably not be worth it... At my graduation, we had to get our diplomas after the ceremony
Iori Yagami
Posts: 179/570
Well at lest you aren't going to wear nothing at all like some people did underneath their graduations outfits for my graduation. I can clearly remember Kurt wearing nothing but boxers underneath his seeing as he flashed everyone right after his diploma was given to him.
Posts: 51/356
Originally posted by xxweirdalfanxx
The outfit is pretty cool. What herritage are you?

English, French, Irish, Scottish, and a bit of native.

EDIT: Alastor the Stylish: As it was pointed out before: It's a CHINESE outfit. Not Japanese.
Cruel Justice
Posts: 530/1637
Originally posted by Alastor the Stylish
Originally posted by Nebetsu
Lilmario: What does otaku mean?
It means retard.

I mean person obsessed with japanese culture.

Oh I know how I made that mistake; they're the same thing. My bad.

Kyouji +10000000000 points 10up

Now I have a new found respect for Kyouji.
Posts: 1317/3604
Originally posted by neotransotaku
Originally posted by Ran-chan
Urp? Who, with common sense, would call an actual asian for otaku? They should know that you have your roots there by looking at you.

lots of them in my area You should see the anime club at my university however, otaku isn't limited to just non-asian people it is applied sadly to anyone overly obessive with a certain portion of Japanese culture, which typically is anime in the U.S...

Uh...that´s just stupid. I mean, it´d be a part of your culture if you´ve roots from asia. Sorry for going off-topic.

I just found that incredibly...uh, stupid.
Posts: 365/1860
Originally posted by Ran-chan
Urp? Who, with common sense, would call an actual asian for otaku? They should know that you have your roots there by looking at you.

lots of them in my area You should see the anime club at my university however, otaku isn't limited to just non-asian people it is applied sadly to anyone overly obessive with a certain portion of Japanese culture, which typically is anime in the U.S...

Anyways, Yoronosuku, that looks purdy nice...if you and Nebetsu would look like a couple if you guys wore your respective garments
Posts: 1303/3604
Originally posted by Yoronosuku
I'm just tired of seeing that word get used so often. Maybe its because people have called me that as well, not realising I gew up there But that is an otaku too, at least over here! The things I've learned..

On the topic of that outfit, I love it I own something kind of similar...actualy, this ...is pretty close to mine, I think.

Urp? Who, with common sense, would call an actual asian for otaku? They should know that you have your roots there by looking at you.

I like that dress of yours. Looks like a Ninja/Samurai outfit. To me, at least.

Nebetsu: Well, that´s a cool outfit too. I´m sure you´ll look cool in it. I think you should go for it.

"I used to know a really REALLY sad otaku... I mean. When people are getting Nationalistic over a country they don't live in or was born in... wow." _¬
Posts: 385/2602
Wonder what you should call people obessed about American culture.

I used to know a really REALLY sad otaku... I mean. When people are getting Nationalistic over a country they don't live in or was born in... wow.

I like the japanse culture, but no more or less than american or any other. xD

Meh, I say you just go for it. On my last graduation I did wear just some boring formal clothes. That was really uncomfortable to wear... and I had them for over 12-14 hours.
Posts: 126/1239
You know, otaku is an actual word in the Japanese language. It wasn't just created as a derrogitory term for you and others to slap on to people. Yes, there are those obsessed with the culture that make me want to cry, and there are those who are just plain interested. Otaku as an actual defined word holds no meaning to retardation or asian fandom, at all .__.;; Also note that the outfit in question here is a traditional CHINESE garment, not Japanese. Unless I missed the memo where the entire Asian continent was declared otaku territory.. I'm just tired of seeing that word get used so often. Maybe its because people have called me that as well, not realising I gew up there But that is an otaku too, at least over here! The things I've learned..

On the topic of that outfit, I love it I own something kind of similar...actualy, this ...is pretty close to mine, I think. Anyways, I'm sure you will look very good in it, and good luck/congratulations with your graduation
Posts: 360/1860
not all otakus are what you had in mind, alastor. i'm a translating otaku -- i.e translating enthusiast... i sometimes regret my handle

anyways, not bad for graduation but uh...aren't you going to be cloaked, nebetsu (i.e. wearing graduation garments)?
Posts: 891/5814

Don't fan the flames, Kyouji. There is a difference between a real otaku and a wannabe... erm... a fanboy.
Posts: 1850/8204
Originally posted by Nebetsu
Lilmario: What does otaku mean?
It means retard.

I mean person obsessed with japanese culture.

Oh I know how I made that mistake; they're the same thing. My bad.
Posts: 242/529
XD Your right! I probably wouldn't stand out THAT much with my clothes...How embarrassing...
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Craziness Domain - What I'm wearing for grad.


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