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07-01-24 01:12 PM
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Modern Art - Yet another layout thread.
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Posts: 306/1097
I agree, the simplicity is very nice.

I also agree that Ailure could use a new layout, but he'll probably bungle it or make something that'll make me cry until block layout is implemented again. On the plus side, a new Ailure layout might motivate Xkeeper to program that function back in sooner.
Posts: 369/2602
Originally posted by Tarale
I added the bunny to the bottom right of the text area, as a faint watermark. Not sure if it should perhaps be marginally fainter.

What do you guys think?
Meh, that's strange. I was just gonna suggest you to add a watermark. Then I saw you just added one. xD

I don't really have that much constructive critism to say apart from it being nice. I like it's simpleness, it's not messy and it's pleasant to look at. Maybe I go something like that for my layout (no, I won't ripoff... )
Posts: 285/2713
Originally posted by Zem
Okay, yeah, when I reloaded without using the cache it showed up.

Looks fine. No big change positive or negative.

All I really wanted it to do is to break up the whitespace but in a very subtle non-intrusive way... I didn't want to destroy the clean simple look I had going.

I think I've achieved that, and I think I'll call this layout "done" now

It also ties the layout in with my avatar/minipic theme, so that's good too
Posts: 289/2467
I think it's great. The little bunny watermark always worked for me, I guess I'm lucky :\
Tarale, you are a creative genius.

...I just realized how much I fail at art though
Posts: 299/1097
Okay, yeah, when I reloaded without using the cache it showed up.

Looks fine. No big change positive or negative.
Posts: 284/2713
Hmm.. that was odd... perhaps Opera just didn't reload the CSS initially?

It should work in all browsers as far as I know... it's just fairly standard CSS. I'm not clevar enough to do anything fancy
Posts: 1706/8204
It doesn't work in my browser of choice, Opera, so I checked it in a few others; only works in Firefox and IE.

Edit: And now it's appearing. Wtf was with that... Yeah it looks okay.
Posts: 297/1097
I don't see anything...
Posts: 283/2713
I added the bunny to the bottom right of the text area, as a faint watermark. Not sure if it should perhaps be marginally fainter.

What do you guys think?
Posts: 294/1097
I think you should add something in the upper-right or upper-middle. The top is a bit too empty for how large it is (very minor).

Aside from that, I dig it. I don't mind the whitespace.
Posts: 278/2713
Originally posted by Alastor the Stylish
I'll admit that it is is rather plain, but I think it's better than it would be if she added the aforementioned.

Which? An anime character or a watermark background?

I don't think I'd add an anime character to it (although the design would accomodate one if I really wanted, with minimal effort), but I could experiment with a watermark background and see how it looks.
Posts: 1234/3604
Well, I like the pink background but the white is kinda mean to my eyes. Still good though.

PLain and simple.
Posts: 1694/8204
I'll admit that it is is rather plain, but I think it's better than it would be if she added the aforementioned.
Posts: 843/5653
or even just a boring design to the lower right that blends in with the background? It'd make it look less plain.
spel werdz rite
Posts: 478/1796
How about a cute little anime drawing to the side?
Posts: 246/2713
Originally posted by Danielle
If you don't like the white space, you could try making your textbox more boxish, so there can be pink on the sides.. then some of the white would be removed.
And I think it would look just as cute.

Nah, I quite definitely don't want it to have borders on all sides. Not sure why, but it is how I want it to be.

I know how to fix the whitespace thing though! Just quote everybody and ramble on and on and on and on (and on and on and on and on) till I fill up all the whitespace with stuff

Cool plan, eh?
Posts: 1274/6737
If you don't like the white space, you could try making your textbox more boxish, so there can be pink on the sides.. then some of the white would be removed.
And I think it would look just as cute.
Posts: 244/2713
Originally posted by Yoshi Dude
Maybe you feel like it's missing something because you don't have a drawing in there this time?

It's cute and great. I have nothing to criticize. Did you make that pink background image yourself? It's slick.

Nah, I think it's the large amounts of whitespace that get me actually

And yeah, as usual all images created by me

I think I like my blockquote better now
Yoshi Dude
Posts: 428/1408
Maybe you feel like it's missing something because you don't have a drawing in there this time?

It's cute and great. I have nothing to criticize. Did you make that pink background image yourself? It's slick.
Posts: 1271/6737
Ooh I was looking for a thread to comment on this earlier today. I wanted to comment because I think it's adorable. Very simple, very cute, very readable, and it seems to fit you very well.
It's nice.
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Modern Art - Yet another layout thread.


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