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07-01-24 09:02 PM
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - ROM Hacking - wtf hapenig?
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Posts: 33/117
To be more precise; hex is just a more friendly way of looking at binary. And code and data are not the same thing - although you can hack ASM in a hex-editor, it doesn't follow that changing bytes in a hex-editor is ASM hacking.
Posts: 12/89
The thing is that, as fas as I know, hex doesn't really mean anything; actually while hex editing you're kind of asm hacking, as hex is just some interface to alter your rom's asm (assuming that data is part of asm).
To stay on the topic, and having hacked smb3 for quite a time, I think that there's something wrong in the area where this door points to; the most probable would be an object that is making the rom to crash. Read the errors faq in the docs of SMB3 Workshop, and search for something wrong in your level (rigorously as some crashing objects can be hidden under other big objects).
Raccoon Sam
Posts: 50/1040
Hex Is awesome.
Let's make an example.
If you change the sprite HEX Value "01" Into Sprite HEX Value "02", Hexademical Value 01 will transform into hexademical value 02.
So, if 01 means a Mushroom, and 02 means a Fire Flower, All of the Mushrooms in the game would transform into Fire Flowers!
Metal Knuckles
Posts: 65/412
Ah, the Beatles. Hex geniuses if there ever were some.

Hex is something that anyone who wants to make an above-average hack should know. Not that you can't without it's knowledge, but hex allows for so much more then the utilities can offer. Even better, ASM lets one do almost anything in their ROM.

So give programming a shot, you might like the results.
Raccoon Sam
Posts: 48/1040
As the Beatles would say HEX:

1, 2, 3, 4, Can I have a little more?
5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, I love you.
B, C, D, E, Can I bring my friend to tea?
F, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, I love you.
Deleted User
Posts: 66/-7750
Originally posted by beneficii

My guess is that a bad opcode is being executed somewhere in there. What programs and IPS patches have you used to edit the game? (All of the ones used to edit the game: Not just the ones used to edit that level.)

smb3 workshop
smb3 map editor

Originally posted by theonyxdragoon
Changing hex values is a risky thing if you don't know what you're doing, Legoman .

...and you don't exactly need to quote a post if you're posting right after what you're commenting on.

I don't know what hex is >.>
Metal Knuckles
Posts: 54/412
I'm not going to pretend that I'm an expert at hacking Mario 3 (in fact, I've never touched the game). But if the problem happens every time you enter a specific door, is it possible that something is wrong with the way that door connects to the next room? Or maybe it doesn't have a set room to connect to, crashing the game?

Either way, solving the problem by finding an emulator that will run the game despite the problem isn't a good idea. In the end, when you give a final release, the problem could still be there. And then when people who use other emulators try it...

But meh. By the way your describing it, it sounds like a problem with the ROM, not the emulator.
Posts: 29/310

My guess is that a bad opcode is being executed somewhere in there. What programs and IPS patches have you used to edit the game? (All of the ones used to edit the game: Not just the ones used to edit that level.)
The Onyx Dragoon
Posts: 46/159
Changing hex values is a risky thing if you don't know what you're doing, Legoman .

...and you don't exactly need to quote a post if you're posting right after what you're commenting on.
Deleted User
Posts: 65/-7750
Originally posted by kuja killer
Try another emulator.
If the problem happens again ...then it may be something wrong with your ROM.

If it works fine in a different emu ...then it may just be a problem with the emulator.

Just a guess.

i use virtual nes and FCE Ultra nes emulatros, vere I can find other (not virtual nes and FCE Ultra) nes emulators?

this ************' door donest work in:
virtual nes
FCE Ultra
nes emulators
kuja killer
Posts: 27/104
Try another emulator.
If the problem happens again ...then it may be something wrong with your ROM.

If it works fine in a different emu ...then it may just be a problem with the emulator.

Just a guess.
Deleted User
Posts: 64/-7750
Originally posted by theonyxdragoon
...that's really not a lot of information, Legoman...if all else fails, use backup roms .

there is ''lot'' information:
I go in tihs door:

and game freeze up (in FCE Ultra emulator and perhaps in virtual nes emulator)
The Onyx Dragoon
Posts: 45/159
...that's really not a lot of information, Legoman...if all else fails, use backup roms .
Deleted User
Posts: 63/-7750
I test my smb 3 hack, but in frsit catsle, I go in door, but this hapenig:
I use virtual nes emulator!

please help fast!
Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - ROM Hacking - wtf hapenig?


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