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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Craziness Domain - I lost a day
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spel werdz rite
Posts: 590/1796
Well, I sort of "gained" a day today.
I thought I had to go to school today, but I actually go tomorrow! So that's awesome.
Luckily I found out last night rather than this morning, so I didn't have to wake up early!
Posts: 11/123
thats happend to me one time when i was just cooped up in my house and i realy just did nothing except get on the com and watch tv and then i went to school oneday and realized that i missed like one full week of school. and i just realy could not understand what happend to the time that i lost. its freaky
Posts: 59/917
Today I thought it was Wednesday, but I;ve been sick and school has been cancelled, and today I was at school, and I was like, "Meh, two more days of this crap." And someone was like, "Todays Thursday." It took them 5 minutes to convince me it was Thursday...I was so astonished I had wasted another week of nothing. What really sucks, was to make up for it, I went to play WoW tonight, but the 1.9 patch forked everything up and now I cant pick up items, attack or do anything. So now I dont know WHAT to do...

Seems I'll just have to waste another day or two...
spel werdz rite
Posts: 546/1796
Seems your timer is just a tad off.

Anyways, I gained a day today! Thought it was Friday, and it turned out to be Thursday!
Snow Tomato
Posts: 39/798
I hate when I think it's friday.. and it actually ends up being the tuesday in a different month, five years ago.

God, that blows.
Posts: 205/768
All the time when I go to school back at my your age. A lost dozens of days and especially my classes.
Posts: 266/936
It's only bright in my room if it's in the middle of the summer.

So I can't see the difference between night and day (well I can, but when you just woke up, you can't)
Posts: 1603/8204
So yeah. Getting back on topic. I have the blinds down all the time and I keep my room more or less darkened, so yeah. Not a lot there
Posts: 249/936
Originally posted by spel werdz rite
How could you think it was 4? there's a significant light difference.

Not in my room.
spel werdz rite
Posts: 457/1796
How could you think it was 4? there's a significant light difference.
Posts: 241/936
Originally posted by spel werdz rite
Coming back on topic, I woke up really late due to New Years partying, and I slept in. I woke up and thought it was around 10. I fumbled down stairs and started breakfast, I saw my kitchen clock and it was 2:00PM! That's what else I hate, when you wake up and thing it's early (yes, 10 is early for me) and it's actually very late. I wouldn't be surprised if I slept in so late that today is Monday.


Change 10AM to 4AM and 2PM to 10AM, and that's me.

I usually don't sleep much, but today.........
spel werdz rite
Posts: 440/1796
Coming back on topic, I woke up really late due to New Years partying, and I slept in. I woke up and thought it was around 10. I fumbled down stairs and started breakfast, I saw my kitchen clock and it was 2:00PM! That's what else I hate, when you wake up and thing it's early (yes, 10 is early for me) and it's actually very late. I wouldn't be surprised if I slept in so late that today is Monday.
Posts: 233/936
I know, I know.

But I find none that fits my status (of being damned awesome)
Posts: 1581/8204
Well I think the problem here is obvious.

Stop being lazy and get a job, you bum!
Posts: 230/936
Originally posted by Alastor the Stylish
My advice would be to get a job then.

I want one.

But everytime I want to go look for one, I suddenly get lazy.
Posts: 1576/8204
My advice would be to get a job then.
Posts: 224/936
I know.

Problem is, I usually end up wasting that time
Posts: 1573/8204
Hey, at least it's better than LOSING time
Posts: 217/936
I gain extra days every month or so.

I can't keep up with time.
Koitenshin +∞
Posts: 162/873
I had to work today, New years Day. Btw wasn't happy hour supposed to occur?
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Craziness Domain - I lost a day


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