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07-02-24 10:55 AM
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Posts: 335/2228
There's always the CFL.

Or robbing people outside of nightclubs, Clarett-style. XD
Posts: 144/1170
Originally posted by Toxic
Edit: look what that idiot said: "It's not a big deal...I'll just move on to the next level, baby."

Psst: The XFL no longer exists, Marcus...
Posts: 44/251
Hahah! Yes!

I love justice. Marcus Vick is a string of words that I won't utter here, and it's great that VT has the balls to kick the spoiled brat, who is used to being the big dawg on campus, off their team.

Edit: look what that idiot said: "It's not a big deal...I'll just move on to the next level, baby."
Posts: 330/2228
Yeah, I saw that on Around the Horn, I think. Looks like he pretty much just cleated the guy on purpose. Tsk tsk, Vick.
Posts: 136/1170
Originally posted by neotransotaku
I haven't seen the replays but...did it look intentional?

Pretty much. He could have moved aside easily, but didn't.
Posts: 342/1860
I haven't seen the replays but...did it look intentional?
Posts: 135/1170
Marcus Vick? It sucky-sucky-sucky-sucky-suck, it suck to be youuuu. Next time, don't stomp on an opponent's calf, mmkay?
Posts: 321/2228

Now Ohio State gets to dethrone the National Champs in their own stadium.
Posts: 125/1713
I present to you your 2005-2006 National Champs:

The Texas Longhorns!
Posts: 128/1170
Vince Young: Same Vick taste, only more talented. (bows down)
Posts: 2/613

That is all.
Posts: 336/1860
Triple OT XD
that was a game of the ages...and I missed it
well, i saw it through halftime

Edit: Vince Young brings Texas back from a 12 point deficit to help the longhorns win the national title... can you say
Metal Knuckles
Posts: 61/412
T'was a good game indeed. Quite the team bashing to end your day with, that's for sure. I caught it right when the score was 7 - 0 and Penn State made the interception. Good times, good times...

Good night. =P
Monarx J
Posts: 14/26
28, 3, whatever works. WHOO PENN STATE!
Posts: 37/251
Since I see no real reason for this to be closed,

I shall open, and say this: Marcus Vick is a little prick. Anyone who watched sports center this morning or the game knows why.

And: Reggie Bush is not from this planet. If you think I'm kidding, find his HIGH SCHOOL highlight tape. In 9 or 17 minute version, it should be on most file sharing networks. It is completely unbelieveable, and that sentiment was shared by college coaches.
I can't wait to see him tear up the NFL.
Posts: 308/2228
Someone's jealous...
Posts: 124/1713
Originally posted by NSNick
...and Michigan choked again. HAHAHAHAHA!

*Luigi-San slits NSNick's throat

Anyway, I'm going with Da Longhorns for the Rose Bowl.
Posts: 307/2228
Even with our considerable mistakes (turnovers, blocked FGs) OSU gave ND a sound drumming. Awwww yeah!
Posts: 713/5814
Wow, did BC almost blow their bowl game yesterday or what... Talk about righting the ship at the last possible moment.

I did see some highlights though... man do I love Boise State's turf. Just awesome.
Posts: 104/1170
Originally posted by NSNick
Did anyone else catch the Alamo Bowl tonight? I only caught parts of it, but man, did it have a hell of a finish. It was almost another Stanford-Cal ending.

...and Michigan choked again. HAHAHAHAHA!

I gave it a 0.8 "The band is out on the field!" although that play would've been even BETTER than Stanford/Cal if they scored. Wouldn't be in that position if the officials were competent. I would blame the Sun Belt, but it's more on the guy in the booth with the slow trigger finger. Michigan shouldn't have had to use those two timeouts to get replays.
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Entertainment & Sports - Bowl Games


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