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07-01-24 04:12 PM
0 users currently in General Chat.
Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - General Chat - acmlm.org progress thread
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Posts: 903/5653
There, cleaned the news queue to 1 instead of 3, new ifle uploaded too...

About time, eh? :p
Posts: 899/5653
Yep, especially when "hack" is barely mentioned on the page... in fact, it wasn't, as most places only got the boring index HTML (might be on goooooooooooogle)...
Posts: 730/5072
Well it acutally says 'crime/terrorism'... that should say enough right there. They saw the word 'hack' and immediately went "omg illegal".
Posts: 388/1860
it's probably the hack part that got us listed on that list...i mean, what else do we do? maybe congregate?
Posts: 412/517
Ok. I thought it was somthing we did (other than hack ROMS).
Posts: 715/5072
One of those lame-ass Internet filter sites marked acmlm.org as a terrorist site.
Posts: 410/517

acmlm.org declared to be filed under 'crime/terrorism' by DECS content filter.

I can't stop laughing.

If you mean read what above it dosn't explain much.
Posts: 687/5072
Read the site.

Any plans to actually implement a view counter?
Posts: 60/123
Originally posted by Andy
Originally posted by Cornellius
So, we are no longer terrorists ?

Whats that susposed to mean?

I would have to agree with andy, what does this meen. Have we ever been terrorist?
Posts: 407/517
Originally posted by Cornellius
So, we are no longer terrorists ?

Whats that susposed to mean?
Posts: 49/200
I doubt it. I live down here (I.E. South Australia) and it takes about 5 years for anything notable to change.

And people wonder why education here has gone downhill with those boffins running the place....
Posts: 13/108
So, we are no longer terrorists ?
Posts: 831/5653
Yes, all downloads came from Zophar's, and yes, they are a bit behind.

As I siad, PM me or IM me any updates so I can do it.
Posts: 798/5814
I'm sure the downloads will be updated in time.

...Case in point, look at the arcade section. Dear lord. XD

(Is that Zophar's which is backed up so much?)
Posts: 829/5653
You do (or at least, I do)
Posts: 314/936
Can you make it so you can like, stay logged in for more than the session?
Posts: 824/5653
01-02-06: (1)
- file information editing
-- still not done yet, should be linked to on the file list pages for staff

- file uploading/downloading-from-server
-- note: getting a file off of another server and hosting it on the local machine, in effect
Posts: 823/5653
I can name one right off the top of my head that's oudated (namely, bgb)

If you happen to find an outdated file, drop me a PM or submit news so I can update it; that's why I made the feature.
Posts: 2/3
Well, as long as those numbers are right, I'm convinced. It just seems they must be doing something seeing as there's a variety of emulators that are current version (I think, may be mistaken, these homepage links seem to be broken [course that should tell me something by itself, heh]). I've been downloading emulators from Zophar's for a long time, maybe I'm missing something here.
spel werdz rite
Posts: 451/1796
Originally posted by Xkeeper
Last actual update about anything not related to music, and not linking to another page: 12/07/05

...update before that: 6/24/05

Do the math.
Updates every 167 days!
Did the math.
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - General Chat - acmlm.org progress thread


Acmlmboard 1.92.999, 9/17/2006
©2000-2006 Acmlm, Emuz, Blades, Xkeeper

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