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07-01-24 09:15 PM
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Entertainment & Sports - Anyone smell something burning? Oh, just this year's hot stove.
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Posts: 843/1860
I wonder if it has to do with guaranteed money? Not sure how contracts are structured in the other leagues but if players have some amount guaranteed money, then I'm sure owners do not want to be paying for a player who is unable to play due to something that happen outside the ballpark? just a guess...
Posts: 106/251
Today, I sat down and looked at the US and the Dominican Republic's roster for the World Baseball Classic.

Good bye US chances. I mean, we have talent obviously, but there's no oher American born player better than Griffey for CF? Aren't there more players out there than what we have for our lineup? I could get into my whole Roger Clemens revived career dissertation, but that's another day. CC Sabathia is an all-star, but not who I would pick to pitch for me in the World Series of the World.

Either way, the other issue I have with this is why owners are so uptight about the entire thing. Yes, there is the risk of injury, but that's true with every other day of the year. Look at Sammy Sosa. Out due to sneezing. David Wells in a barfight, etc. Look at European football. Mega-stars from every country in the world go out and give their all in various matches that take place in the middle of their league season.

I just think it's wack that there isn't the love for the country that's evident in other sports.
Posts: 213/1713
Mike Piazza signed with the Padres
Posts: 537/1860
Originally posted by drjayphd
You say that like he seriously left.

now he is back as GM again... so, makes me wonder, whether all this was just one long vacation?

Frank Thomas is heading to Oakland...
Posts: 515/1860
Who is Coco Crisp? I haven't heard of him until now... then again, I don't follow the AL as closely as I do the NL.
Posts: 192/1170
And we have a TRADE a-simmerin'.

Boston gets: OF Coco Crisp
Cleveland gets: RP Guillermo Mota, minor-league 3B Andy Marte

Not thrilled to give up Marte, who's being tagged as one of the best 3B prospects in years, but THAT. Is how you fill a hole in CF.
Posts: 190/1170
You say that like he seriously left.
Posts: 77/251


Theo's back.
Posts: 141/1170

Iron Chef invades baseball! The episode that's on now on the East Coast (3 AM for us) has a whole lot going for it.

* New Year's battle
* The head chef of Hei Chin Rou throws down to end the feud once and for all
* Guest judge and opening ceremony master Kazuhiro Sasaki.

Sasaki, who seemed to have no effing clue about food during the battle (or at least they didn't ask him anything food-related), had just finished leading the Yokohama Baystars to the pennant. You remember him for his time with the Mariners, when he was a pretty good closer. And he actually seems to have enough knowledge to be a league-average judge on the show.

Oh, the opening ceremony (which I've never seen on any other episode...) consisted of Sasaki chopping through a stack of daikon radish. He got through one of 'em and his knife got stuck on the bottom row.
Posts: 134/1170
Didn't think it was seen as anything more than Raffy making excuses. Either way, trade talks for Tejada are getting ridiculous: the O's want Ramirez AND Clement AND $22 million (more'n likely) or a top prospect (think Jon Lester or Jonathan Papelbon), and the Red Sox want Tejada and top OF prospect Nick Markakis. If Baltimore had its druthers, they'd be sending someone like Luis Matos, who barely qualifies as a throw-in.
Posts: 10/160
Rumors have it that the Cubs and Orioles might trade Mark Prior for Miguel Tejada. Unless Prior has definite plans to leave Chicago when he becomes eligible, I woundn't do this if I were the Cubs. Wasn't there a cloud of suspicion about Tejada's vitamin B-12 supplements?
Posts: 117/1170
Damon isn't going to end it all. Oh, and Chris Young the Outfielder got hisself traded too. Alongside Luis Vizciano the Pitcher and El Duque for Javier Vazquez. So that means Jon Garland's getting traded, right? Uh, no. Make that re-signed. THAT'S how you defend a title when you win with pitching, pitching, and more pitching.
Metal Knuckles
Posts: 36/412
And the reason is because while the Jay's are a good team, the Soxs and Yankees just have a stronger line-up. I mean, sure the guy got MVP in 2002. But trading season ain't done yet, and the Yankees and Bosox have already had strong teams. Also, there's other things you have to take into account, such as team working well together-ness, and the stadium...

So honestly, yeah. The Jay's just got a really good player. But do I think that this is trouble for the leading teams in the AL East? No. Because, as I recall, the Yankees also just got a really good player (shudders), and the Sox just got... Faherty...


Damn, this thing with Damon's still hurtin'. XP
Posts: 239/1860
Will it be enough to have them finish 2nd, let alone 1st? I will consider it progress if the Jays finish 2nd. They had a strong run in 2005 so maybe it will be more than enough. Out of all of the teams in the AL East, the Jays have been consistenly 3rd the past few years...
Posts: 111/1713
Blue Jays trade Orlando Hudson, among others, to Arizona for Troy Glaus

4 words: Look out, Yankees/Sox!
Posts: 93/1170
Well, since this is the ongoing off-season thread, let's look at the World Baseball Classic. The US still has that embargo going against Cuba, remember? Well, ever since taking office, Bush and the Republicans have curried favor among Cuban refugees in Florida by taking a hard-line stance against Castro. (This is a fact.) So while the Orioles and Cuban national team had played a couple of exhibitions in the late 90's, now a department of the federal government has stepped in and said no Cuba in the WBC. Consequently, they're still working this out, Puerto Rico's pulled out as a host, and annoyance reigns supreme.

Wanna see the rosters? They're here. Only includes players who've played in the majors recently, and we're talking the smallest cups of coffee (maybe even a demitasse). I think this list also includes several prospects, as a quick glance shows Glenn Williams and Justin Huber on Australia's roster.

Wondering why Mike Piazza, Frank Catalanotto and Matt Mantei, among others, are on Italy's roster, despite being US-born? They're using quite liberal eligibility rules for this, where if you can get a passport from a country, you can play for them. So it might be that they have parents who satisfy one of the three eligibility rules.

Keep in mind these are just the players who've played in the majors. Don't know about other players, but I'm fairly certain that the Netherlands will have a full team, not just Andruw Jones. (Oh, and one of my girlfriend's cousins, albeit not all that closely related, is on Puerto Rico's roster. YAY.)
Posts: 108/1713
In other news,

Jacque Jones has re-signed with the Twins Cubs.
Posts: 82/1170
Thankfully, he's locked up. But now what're we going to do in CF? Is Moss ready? Ellsbury's got a couple more years to go...
Metal Knuckles
Posts: 1/412
Originally posted by drjayphd

In "holy shit balls" news, Johnny Damon has signed for four years, $52 million.

Yes, with the Yankees.

I openly cried. -.-

Honestly, once things like the Red Sox winning the world series happen, you start to think of them as being loyal to the team. Then BOOM! The Yankees offer a bigger deal, and Jesus leaves the Sox.

God hopes Ortiz won't do the same. I might lose all of my recently-regained team spirit if that happens.
Posts: 81/1170
Psst: I was kidding about the Royals.

In "holy shit balls" news, Johnny Damon has signed for four years, $52 million.

Yes, with the Yankees.

Oh, and the Rangers have agreed to trade Chris Young the Pitcher, Adrian Gonzalez, and Terrmel Sledge (from Soriano trade fame) to San Diego for Adam Eaton, Akinori Otsuka, and 3B prospect Billy Killian. Not official yet because Otsuka's in Japan right now.

And, uhm, Tony Graffanino (Red Sox) and Travis Lee (Tampa Bay) accepted arbitration.
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Entertainment & Sports - Anyone smell something burning? Oh, just this year's hot stove.


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