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07-01-24 01:20 PM
0 users currently in Modern Art.
Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Modern Art - Layout.
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Posts: 490/5653
Added something small... mabye later I'll try adding more small things around to make it less generic.
Cruel Justice
Posts: 353/1637
Looks a little like melted lead on dirt.
At least it doesn't make babies cry, "Wah! My eyes hurt!".
Posts: 230/577
Yeah; looks okay, doesn't cause problems and such (and doesn't take too long to load either).
Posts: 72/648
Originally posted by Alex
I am suddenly tempted to add a huge X-Box to my layout.

That'll do.
Posts: 115/2713
Well, aside from the possible problem with the snowflakes and the text, it's good.... I can't suggest a fix for it either really; as white is the best possible contrast color for this.
Iori Yagami
Posts: 128/570
Go for it.
Posts: 467/5653
I am suddenly tempted to add a huge X-Box to my layout.
Posts: 129/1104
Overall dark... +2

Simple, without any OMGXBOX-sized images... +3

Rather plain... -1

Snow... +1

Overall, I declare this a +5 Good Layout of Not Sucking (Simple Design card: +15% Loadspeed, -1 Interesting. Readable Card: +30% Reading Ease, +1 Overall Appearance)

Damn I'm playing RO too much.
Posts: 604/6737
Tis quite boring, sir.

But other than that, it's nice.
The Politician
Posts: 4/12
Only problem I can see coming from it is the white font mixing up with the snow. But it may not even be that big of a deal. Other than that, it's nice and simple. It totally shows your Winter Spirit.
Posts: 464/5653
Woo, snow.
Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Modern Art - Layout.


Acmlmboard 1.92.999, 9/17/2006
©2000-2006 Acmlm, Emuz, Blades, Xkeeper

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