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07-01-24 01:56 PM
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - General Chat - What you think of people here?
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Posts: 721/2480
You know what this thread reminds me of?

Those times where Calvin gives the opinion polls to his dad...you know the REAL REAL opinion polls? Yea. Those were great.

Oh, and if you dunno me, I prolly dunno you...so...you'd know that I would be vocal about if I liked you or not. No need for me to say it twice or three times...less I really like you...but I'm not going to single out people either.

Posts: 66/171
I forgot one...
Samurai X: I like him. For some reason, most people seem to dislike him. I think he's interesting, and has a great layout.
Posts: 183/1097
Originally posted by peener. you know it

now everyone can seeee
my true identity
Yoshi Dude
Posts: 347/1408
Okay, this is the last time I'm going to bring this up.
Do not insult other members here.
Even if said person is permabanned, don't bother. It doesn't make YOU look any better at all. There's a reason why they aren't welcome here, you don't need to add to the negativity.
Consider this your warning.

(While the permabanned portion is a slight nudge at Trapster, this is not actually directed at him, even though it may seem that way. Other posts.. )
Posts: 1033/3604
Originally posted by peener. you know it

trapster: stupid

So? You´re a loli fapper with no life. I have a life, at least.

Jingle ATW: You forgot me.

Xkeeper: I think I forgot you in my other list. I used to dislike you but you´re okay since you brought the board back and are actually fixing things up. Keep it up.
Posts: 173/2028
OMG I'm known. It's awesome. Thank you

Hmm...I may have only been here since July...But I know most of you now. Lemme begin.

Golden Yoshi - Hey. You're the coolest member on this board. Period. Well, you and KATW Thanks for everything...really!
KATW: You tie with GoYo for coolest member on the board. You are also one of the funniest. "still gotta beat Nick"
NSNick: Though I don't talk to you much (aka ever) you are a great competition in the Brain Teaser forum. You deserve to be up here.
fabio: Thanks for showing an interest in my hacks. Though TTYP is trashed, be sure to look out for my next one.
Smallhacker: You helped me many times with my hack. And I love your comics
Xkeeper: I don't talk to him either. (boy I'm antisocial ) But you brought the board back. WOOT
Acmlm: I don't even know him. But he made the board in the first place.
VGFreak877: Fellow pitter
Dark Vampriel: Fellow pitter.
Peardian: Fellow pitter - YI hacker - and some of the best Mario art I've ever seen.
Luigi-San: Fellow pitter . Update your enemy scramble!!
FuSoYa: You made LM. Why don't you deserve a spot here? Never see you post anymore

This is just a small list. I know theres people I missed. Sorry.
Posts: 8/194
Heian-794: legend until he disappeared
Keikonium: What di he do wrong ????
BNGN: One of the best hackers ever.
HyperHacker: Nice guy, knows a lot. Deserves more credit than he gets.
Spel wordz rite: You become very popular quite quickly
spel werdz rite
Posts: 220/1796
Acmlm: Please come back!!
Keikonium: What did he do wrong?
AP: Good SMB hacker
DahrkDaiz: Great SMB3 hacker!! (doesn't answer PM's)
peter_ac: Cool!
insectduel: I admire his dedication toward SMB2j hacking
Kailieann: Very Helpful!
Smallhacker (for now Sleighhacker): Good SMW hacker! Keep it up!
NSNick (for now NSaintNick): Good Guy!
XKeeper: Oh God! Please don't kill me!
Colin: Very good guy!
Ran-chan: #1 poster!
Deleted User
Posts: 231/-7750
Stop saying I suck up. I hardly suck up anymore. Besides, I didn't think I was sucking up that one time..... where there were new staff people and stuff.

Anyway, thank you for saying I suck up after you seen me at it with YD, and others. You're real observant.

Anyway, yeah. Here's some people I forgot

YD: Pretty much a good person. Way too forceful at rare moments.

Danielle: Don't know you. Just... I don't. very much.

Colin: Kinda a rare sight out in the open... What things DO you post in he secret forums!?

Nick/Thayer: Stop kneeling before knuck and grow a pair.

Spel Werdz Rite: Eye Aym Spheling wirdz riaght!

KATW: Seems like a very good person.

Ranko/Hiryuu: Homestar Runner Bros.!

Lemon de man: Twinklestaaaar! Twiiinklestar!

Blue Falkon: Don't go on an erratic fit over roms ever again.

Hapi-San: Still the best spriter and animator I've seen.
Posts: 938/8204
Originally posted by knuck
kyouji: lol dametroid
Is a melodramatic fool who thinks he's always right and QUIT THE INTERNET because of something leg said. What are you getting at
Deleted User
Posts: 1/-7750
leg: do i have to say anything
arr: omg
phil: i thought you left!! still much <3
max: why do you insist on coming here! <3
thayer: jew
rom hacking fags: don't care, got my loli
trapster: stupid
xkeeper: you used to be cool. and hey what is your fetish again? ;D
hiryuu: emofag. gtfo my internet
colin: you're a fag
ailure: you used to be cool like, a year ago. furfag
majin: lame because you're still playing that yorosossonnouku crap ;(
kyouji: lol dametroid
cymoro: rocks
reid: rocks
hyperhacker: awesome hacker, shitty coder, failure as human
shyguy: you suck up more than ailure
danielle: we love you but you're still not in the band!!!
grey: gay
black lord: penis
fyxe: likes dogpenis. used to be cool before bckstbz
cheveyo: left the board because arr made fun of him. tsk tsk

this board lacks havoks
i lack a life
Posts: 64/171

Gray: I am NOT gay! Dammit.

You forgot to add an >_< emoticon after that.
Posts: 480/3349
Whee... time for lists...

Ailure: Not much to say here... entertaining when youre in a good mood
BMF54123: Very blobby... very hackish... very awesome
Chris: We dont talk much anymore do we... but yes, youve become more mature... much more mature over the course of time.
Clockworkz: You have the best avatars ever... period.
Collein: Well... I like green too
Dahrkdaiz: You never cease to amaze me with your hacks... especially after the announce of the return of Mario seasons.
Dark Vampriel: GO PIT!
Emptyeye: GO PIT!
fabio: Dang... youre like, one of the coolest newbies that ever came to this board... seriously. I really need to get to know you better
Hyperhacker: Yes... he made my list because he is just...
Juggling Joker: Best custom SMW graphics ever.
Kario: Youre on, youre off, youre pretty okay to talk to...
Kirbynite: KIRBY
LordLazer: I know I wanted to put you here... I just cant remember why...
Metal Knuckles: Best newbie since Fabio... bet youre suprized to see this
Peardian: You need to make more art and comics... it has me drooling every time.
peter_ac: I dont care if those graphics are overused, you make them look awesome.
SmallHacker: You made my list... I guess its because of your comics...
SoNotNormal: Brain Teaser goer... YOU COULD BE MY APPRENTICE (maybe?)
Squash Monster: Hmmm... we really dont post in the same threads. You are kinda funny... and intelligent
Teddylot: Calm... and piratey
VGFreak877: Thank you for inspiring me to bring the Po100T to life.

And now... my really awesome people list with a lot of writing.

Danielle: You... are... awesome. There is nothing more to describe how awesomely friendly and amazingly funny you are. Also levelheaded, a great mod, and just all around friendly person. You definitely brought >8( to a new level, and have provided the board with many hours of entertainment >8D

Grey: You were there for me to think when I couldnt. Not sure if that means anything to you, but yes. You were one of those few who initially supported the idea of me modding. Look where it got me . Either way, youre quick to be witty when appropriate, and just a bag of awesome. DDR 4EVUR BTW

GHOSTLY KYOUJI THE STYLISH: Yes, you will alwaye be Kyouji to us >8D. Either way, youre smart. Not smart smart, intelligent smart. Youre calm, levelheaded, you THINK, you rock at mario kart, and are just fun to talk to. When you... respond on time that is You are definitely the most changed person Ive seen on this board, and you have my respects as one of the smartest (if not a little cynacial, and evil) members here.

NSNick: Booze... booze... booze... LETS GO SOLVE SOME BRAIN TEASERS NOW... AND GET THEM RIGHT . Definitely someone I actually looked up to in my early days here. Something about you (possibly the moderation position on BT) made me look up to you and try and improve... so yeah... you earn a spot on my super-cool list

YD: Yes. I would write essays about you, but sadly, my complimenting abilities are very, very marginal. You are fun to talk to, great at setting, and following fads, an awesome decision maker, and just all around awesome. Like... you rate a 124958119847569187346/10 . Thats all there is to it. Best member on this board, period.

And... yeah.


KATW: This guy is awesome. You should try and be like him sometime </self promotion>

End of lists...

Eh, I more than likely forgot a bunch of people, but dont feel bad. I think all of you are special... unless you like... you know... ticked me off somehow. Then you... eh
Schweiz oder etwas
Posts: 268/2046
I am NOT gay! Dammit.
Posts: 226/2228
Originally posted by Kutske
even if some are more inclined towards the Dark Side of the Force than others

You don't know the power of the Dark Side...
Posts: 51/126

Everybody Else: ROCKS!
Posts: 245/1800
Originally posted by Kutske

Mr. Z Shitfuck

I'm not gonna lie. I have a bit of a problem with fecophilia.
Posts: 62/171
Mr. X: Prick
Mr. Z: Shitfuck
Grey: Latent homosexual

It's a joke! Don't slap me silly, change my username to Susan and ban me for four days. Anyway, if you want my serious opinion, all the oldbies are cool, even if some are more inclined towards the Dark Side of the Force than others, all the midbies are alright though it seems they post 1400% more often than the oldbies (whose fault is that?), and as for the newbies...we'll see. We'll see...
Posts: 8/108
You all suck ! HAR~ HAR~*

* Meh, I just don't hate anybody.
Ice Man
Posts: 82/348
You want to know what I think about people here, let's go.

peter_ac: One of my best friends over the internet.
blackhole89: A good friend and he's helping me with some probs, too.
NSNick: Probably the best admin IMO.
Cruel Justice: Photoshop God
Tarale: Her drawings are always beautiful and awesome.
ghettoyouth: Very good friend from Germany.
Xk: Quite mysterious guy.
BMF: Quite talented SMW hacker.
d4s: Did he work for Nintendo? Seriously, he ownz at hacking SNES games.
asdf: Best beta tester I've ever had.
Shane: Another good friend of mine.
Keiko: Rarely talk to him but he is a very nice guy.
Rain Man: A very very good friend of mine.
SyntaxLegend: My best friend on the internet.
Randy: Another good friend I don't talk often to. =/
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - General Chat - What you think of people here?


Acmlmboard 1.92.999, 9/17/2006
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