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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - General Chat - What annoys you?
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Posts: 245/245
Nothing much, but I HATE that my computer loves breaking... It PISSES ME OFF! I'm typing this with the on-screen keyboard. >8(
Posts: 38/93
-When I have to eat food that tastes like crap just to be polite.

-Anything that is overrated.

-School (most of the time).

-Hearing the words "But our princess is in another castle".

-Being sick/having a head ache.

-When you make plans but they get ruined somehow.

Thats all I can think of right now.
Koitenshin +∞
Posts: 849/873
Originally posted by Cruel Justice
Why the hell do people buy worthless crap like ringtones or psps?

I can answer that very easily. Castlevania X: Rondo of Blood
Posts: 49/51
Old Milk
My great granma
George Bush
Religios (SP? too lazy to spell right..) people who throw there beliefs
people who are to lazy to spell things "write"
Cruel Justice
Posts: 1626/1637
(These are in order of whatever pops into my head. I hate them all the same.)

1.) Dipshits who piss off the teachers.
-Seriously, if you hate school so much, cut the emo crapola and get the hell out. No one wanted you there anyways. Teachers get paid too little to babysit a bunch of moronic children.

2.) Tailgaters
-I don't know why people are just so compelled to buddy up with the ass of my car as if it was safe to assume I have a bumper sticker for them to read. Nighttime tailgaters are the worst... they burn my eyeballs out with their blaring high-beams. Only Lo-Pan gets to blind people to death with rays of light. Turn it off!!!

3.) Materialistic Propaganda
-The rise in the tool population has been dramatic in the past 2 months. What's worse is the persistant increase. Why the hell do people buy worthless crap like ringtones or psps? I think we should concentrate on building more schools instead of Dodge Ram factories.

4.) Myspace
-It's already been purchased by Rupert Murdoch for a bigass $580 million and he's using it to obtain all our interests as part of a marketing campaign. This also holds the key to eliminating network neutrality. Don't believe me? Read the news.

5.) "Liberal Media"
-If you pay attention, you'll find that it's a political anomaly.

6.) Reflective Responses
-For instance, someone in this thread lets out a contrived, "This thread annoys me, I'm so witty and original, gimmie a moderator point, I'm cool now!" Very original indeed you pseudo-intelligent jackass. Shut up.

I'm just putting my opinions down, if your e-peener becomes an anger-heated boner from my response, pm me about it (as if I give a crap) and we can discuss it in the debate forum.
Posts: 431/450
Text that is unreadable because of a background image annoys me. </hint>
Posts: 10/79
things that piss me off is:

-school! teachers are always mean with me and for what reason!

-when your talking to someone and some guy out of no where decides to be dumb and buts in...

-when your on the phone and your friends/family starts making noise! just to piss you off to!

-sometimes when im playing a videogame the game decideds to act retarded and do things other than what i am telling it to do!

-when my computer starts acting weird and i can't get on cause of a stupid little problem!

....thats some things that piss me off...i got alot more but i think if i talk more about anything else it will just piss me off!
Posts: 4/4
Originally posted by Ponlo
- People who continuously go on about; "Are the graphics good?", " Does it have gore?", "Does it have swearing?". Game play is what matters, I still play Metroid graphics are 8-bit and its still fun to play.

- Sony Fan-boys.

- Religion bashers e.g. Omigawd! Only a jew would of done that. That is also a type of racism and is stupid.

- People who say n00b.

Thats kind of enough now.

Posts: 3/17
- People who continuously go on about; "Are the graphics good?", " Does it have gore?", "Does it have swearing?". Game play is what matters, I still play Metroid graphics are 8-bit and its still fun to play.

- People who complain all the time, I suppose I fall into that category now.

- Sony Fan-boys.

- Halo lovers (I don't care about halo! >.<)

- People with horrible spelling and punctuation e.g. ite m8 wuz ta bst. (horrible, Yuack!)

- People who go around saying, I HATE KIDS, yep, I think you were just the same back then.

- Viruses, Hackers (The bad ones), Crackers, racists, Sexists. All those type of people.

- Religion bashers e.g. Omigawd! Only a jew would of done that. That is also a type of racism and is stupid.

- People who say n00b.

- The people who made all those old words into swear words.

- Young Footballers, and they're parents. A majority of parents swear at their kids during football matches.

Thats kind of anough now.
Sweet Kassy Molassy
Posts: 859/886
Originally posted by HyperHacker

-Whoever decided Ctrl+V should be paste, so you copy something, go to some other part of the document/whatever, highlight something else that you want to paste over, and accidentally hit Ctrl+C instead of Ctrl+V. This is especially annoying if you'd used Cut instead of Copy.

Haha that happens to me too damned often.
Posts: 1176/1181
Originally posted by Shadic
-People that don't use Ctrl-C, V, A, etc. (That go up into Edit->Copy or something)

I use the edit menu...

Well, actually, I don't. Right-click ftw!

Originally posted by Shadic and blackhole89
- religious nuts trying to force their beliefs and moral schemes upon others
- Christian/Religious Zealots

Wow, you don't even know me and already you have the perfect description of my mother. :/ *shrug*
Posts: 419/427
- "stupid and proud of it" people. This is topmost on my list for a reason.
- religious nuts trying to force their beliefs and moral schemes upon others
- any other people believing into something with religious zeal without questioning and doing the above
- programming bugs lacking any rational explanation
- AOL grammar, wrongly placed spaces, commata, apostrophes and what-not.
- Self-righteous people.
- People who can't take a joke on their account.
- narrow-mindedness/chauvinism/racism
- pretentious persons asking for something and acting like they have some sorts of birthright on being helped
- inobjectivity, bias
- my own inability to stay in schedules and consequently work on something
- overly credulous people (the kind who, after being shown a "terror barometer omg" on "red" for three days straight, will be psychically broken enough to accept the government installing a camera in their bathroom under the premise it helps catching terrorists)
- minor components that don't work like they should and consequently make the whole thing fail
- the fact I'm too lazy to come up with more points for this list

I'm sorts of amused by how many people list "being insulted as gay" in the one form or other. It can't be that bad, can it? Besides, there's plenty other frequently used insults with obvious sexual innuendo in the English language.
Posts: 5004/5072
I could make a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge list, but I'll try to avoid some of the more obvious ones.

-Those "chat bots" all the phone companies use now, where you call the tech support line or whatever and you get this machine that talks to you and wants you to describe the problem in English. These things never work! And I hate talking to machines on the phone, it's just so akward. (Similarly, I hate when I close down the car wash at night, I have to phone the manager and just read off a list of things I was supposed to do. It's the same list every time, what good does this do? Reading from a script over the phone is just argh.)

-Ads of just about any kind. Any online ads that pop up/under windows, move, and especially play sound and/or try to install adware. Really loud TV commercials. Commercials in which people sing some stupid jingle that gets stuck in your head and makes you want to harm small animals. Forums that have the second/second last/every second "post" be a fake post which is really just an ad (in some particularly terrible cases, even for registered users).

-Whoever decided Ctrl+V should be paste, so you copy something, go to some other part of the document/whatever, highlight something else that you want to paste over, and accidentally hit Ctrl+C instead of Ctrl+V. This is especially annoying if you'd used Cut instead of Copy.

-People who are always right just because. People who complain about me not knowing things they didn't tell me. (E.g.: Them: "Hey why did you eat the pizza on the counter"
Me: "Because you said we could just eat anything that was sitting on the counter"
Them: "Well not pizza"
Me: "And how was I supposed to know this?"
*no answer*)

-Compiler errors that make no sense. You use -> instead of . or leave out a semicolon and you get 20 pages of crap like "(dsdf87ew5r76.o + 0x78564) - line 0: In function "___ZXXFG876655(unsigned long int __GFUYD78, unsigned long int __4yti4G)": Cannot convert "const char*" to [some giant type that doesn't exist]".

-Visual C++. It doesn't appear to be C++ compatible at all; I don't think I've ever managed to compile a program with it that wasn't written with it, and I've certainly never managed to compile a program written with it with any other compiler. Half the time, it won't even compile programs that were written with it.

-Boards that don't allow guests to view pages, download attatchments, etc. I remain convinced that a properly designed and implemented CAPTCHA would prevent any automated spam from getting in. (Few if any are properly designed and implemented, so they don't work and people complain and just block out guests entirely.)

-Trackbacks on blogs. You see a blog post with 400 comments and 395 of them are just pieces of text from the article, links to some other site or pieces of text from their article on the subject, or occasionally one or even no words, surrounded by "[...]".

-Having to sleep, eat, go to the bathroom etc. The thought of spending 33% of my life asleep bugs me. For that matter, any change in my conciousness (having to go to sleep sucks, but once I'm asleep, having to wake up sucks).

-When things on your computer change and you have no idea why. Even when they change back, it's still annoying, because you wonder why it happened in the first place.

-When you hear something fall off a shelf but can't see what it was.

-Cravings for food you can't get. I could sure go for a chickenburger right now, but it's 4 AM.
Posts: 2565/2602
- People who are really really REALLY lazy.
- Advertisers, you know. The kind that is either a bot, or a human working as a bot.
- People with really stupid pet peeves.
Originally posted by Tarale
I tend to be able to deal with my annoyances fairly well, but there are a few that will set me off that I can think of immediately:

* People ranting negatively about Operating Systems, Consoles or other technology that they have not used, spouting off misconceptions and acting like they are some kind of authority on said technology. Apple and Nintendo products seem to be common targets for this kind of thing.

* People who have a willfully ignorant and lazy attitude towards things that they should make an effort to learn, whether it be for their job or for some other requirement. This usually directly affects me regarding computers, as I regularly interact with people who need to use computers for their work, but willfully refuse to learn even bare computer basics.

* People who want my help, but will not disclose to me important information surrounding what they need help with. If it's confidential, I understand a little, but generally most people are asking for help with computer problems and yes, I REALLY DO NEED TO KNOW WHAT THE FUCKING ERROR SAID!!! For fuck's sake, help me... help you..!
Oh god, you should just know how I agree with all your points. Your 2nd point do remind me about some classmate, who I wonder why he hadn't jumped off this programme. D:

And I really love when all people tell me when they get a problem is... that they got a problem. :/ I love it when the solution is like, in the messagebox as well. But some people have to ask someone before they proceed.
Posts: 192/195
My Turn:

- Using "Gay" as insult
- The Virses, Trojanes and other Thing that just slow down my PC
- Need to think a long Time to get a Story from my self
- My Scaredness
- n00b's that ask the same Question over and over. And its on a ReadMe
- Spammers
- Windows Vista (You need a Super Computer for that )
- Cheaters
- People who speak AOL or 1337
- Lag in Online Games or Internet
- When People send me every Second a Message on MSN
- Commercials with or about Sex or with Adult Material
- Stupid Mobilephone Commercials
- Cool Shows that are in night or in the morning
- Some People that always say when something comes or that they want Now even when they don't know when it comes.
- People that kick you out of the Rooms or deleting you as Friend

and more that it doesn't come to my Mind
Kirby Mario
Posts: 77/79
Let's see...:

  • People using 'gay' as an insult to me (I'm not gay . ).
  • Useless homework assignments.
  • People asking for answers on important tests.
  • Buying a $30+ game only to find out you hate it.
  • Crashing my computer.
  • People who cheat to beat another person.
  • Unnecessary projects that don't help me in the future.
  • Not being able to think of something creative.
  • When people criticize other people for not liking what they like.
  • Same as above except for no reason.
  • Not being able to get past a certain part in a game.
  • Viruses, spyware, adware, and other kinds of crap that can cause an important program to stop functioning.
  • Not being able to hear what people said because they talk too softly.
  • When people mistake what you said.
  • Misspelling words I know how to spell.
  • Errors.
  • Waiting for someone to get online when they complain that YOU aren't online.
  • Forgetting things.
  • Not having enough disk space for the things you want to download.
  • Slow internet connections.
  • Massive lag.
  • Long line to cross the border to get home or to go to school.
  • Not being able to have a domain name site.
  • Not finding anything interesting to post at.
  • Pain.
  • Hovering your finger above the letter you want to type without knowing that it's right there.
  • When your internet connection stops working for a while.
  • Wii system updates taking forever to download.

...And many other things that I...
a)can't think of right now.
b)don't have the time to type it up.
c)don't feel like typing.

That was quite a few, I thought I had less.
Posts: 2691/2713
I tend to be able to deal with my annoyances fairly well, but there are a few that will set me off that I can think of immediately:

* People ranting negatively about Operating Systems, Consoles or other technology that they have not used, spouting off misconceptions and acting like they are some kind of authority on said technology. Apple and Nintendo products seem to be common targets for this kind of thing.

* People who have a willfully ignorant and lazy attitude towards things that they should make an effort to learn, whether it be for their job or for some other requirement. This usually directly affects me regarding computers, as I regularly interact with people who need to use computers for their work, but willfully refuse to learn even bare computer basics.

* People who want my help, but will not disclose to me important information surrounding what they need help with. If it's confidential, I understand a little, but generally most people are asking for help with computer problems and yes, I REALLY DO NEED TO KNOW WHAT THE FUCKING ERROR SAID!!! For fuck's sake, help me... help you..!
Posts: 528/528
I shall continue my ranting on what I dislike:

-When my computer lags in the middle of a song (Or: CDs skipping)
-Not being able to run games, or run them well
-Waiting for somebody to talk to you
-When sick, people that watch you when you blow your nose/spit/whatever, then complain about it. If you hadn't turned around to watch me, you wouldn't have seen anything you twit.
-People with numbers in their account names, or a mix of 1337
-People that think "OMFG NOOB" is a good enough reply in a game when asked a simple question
-99% of the people on Battle.net
-Accidentally breaking things
-Having to restart my computer
-Being asked for my opinion on something when I don't care, I'm easy to please ("Hey, where should we go?")
-When people use "PSPs" to refer to all portable gaming consoles.
-People that leave doors unlocked in my house, then leave
-Jokes that you miss the punchline, making you feel like an idiot
-Realizing that you haven't cut your fingernails, and they're way too long
-Having too many people with the same name, and it being difficult to determine which is which
-Not being able to pronounce things
-Guys that look like girls, and vice-versa
-Posting last on a page in a thread (Nobody reads you!)
-Seeing how big on an idiot you've been in the past
-People that don't realize that you don't have some obscure text editor with an exclusive file-format, who then proceed to send EVERYTHING to you in that exact format (Well, it works on MY computer! *STABS*)
-People against Net Neutrality
-Christian/Religious Zealots (I don't care if you believe in something, just don't shove it down my throat.)
-The whole "Friends don't let friends go to hell" thing. Fuck you.
-People who swear too much
-Catching myself swear when I don't really need to, and not being upset or anything
-Knowing how to use a word in a sentence, but not being able to give the meaning
-Elitist Asshats
-Knee/Elbow pain. I'm only 17, I shouldn't hurt
-People that use "gay" as an insult
-People that don't know how to use "They're" "There" and "Their" right
-People th at have to be right
-Perfumes and scents that smell terrible/are too strong
-Teachers that give homework just for busywork
-Forgetting a word
-Losing my work (Having a program crash, or me close it stupidly)
-People that don't use Ctrl-C, V, A, etc. (That go up into Edit->Copy or something)
-People that act like somebody else on AIM
-People that blame video games for their crappy parenting skills
-When my computer mouse tweaks out, and I close a window or something
-Anybody that claims Link is cheap in Smash Bros. Melee
-Getting attacked/teamed up on immediately in Risk.
Sweet Kassy Molassy
Posts: 855/886
Originally posted by ZidaneIX

-Goths. They think their life sucks while they never actually take notice of homeless people and people who are abused.

That may be how the Mansonites you see act, but that's not most Goths. Most of the Goths I know are happy people who like to make others around them happy.
Posts: 37/45
It's called being fresh.
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - General Chat - What annoys you?


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