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Posts: 265/265
Originally posted by Tarale
OMG! I got a guitar for Valentines Day.

You know what.. you should totally get a guitar, and then we can butcher Nirvana together. Or not so much together.

But yes, I agree about breaking things up into smaller tasks. Getting a guitar was one major hurdle to my learning guitar. Now I have one I have less excuse. And I have a partner who is willing to teach me a little.

So maybe one step could be looking into how much an acoustic guitar costs and getting one.

Always one step ahead you. I have a quitar already.

Feeling outbursts have stopped for now. Or there hasnt been any situations yet. now I'm trying to follow your hints. My precciiiiooouuss guitaaaarr....
Posts: 2700/2713
OMG! I got a guitar for Valentines Day.

You know what.. you should totally get a guitar, and then we can butcher Nirvana together. Or not so much together.

But yes, I agree about breaking things up into smaller tasks. Getting a guitar was one major hurdle to my learning guitar. Now I have one I have less excuse. And I have a partner who is willing to teach me a little.

So maybe one step could be looking into how much an acoustic guitar costs and getting one.
Posts: 268/302
Originally posted by Metal Man88
Do each thing one at a time. I'm able to do an amazing number of things at once with enough organization. Time is made to be bent, after all.

I disagree. It's meant to be sliced. And possibly gutted.
Black Lord +
Posts: 270/273
Originally posted by Metal Man88
Do each thing one at a time. I'm able to do an amazing number of things at once with enough organization. Time is made to be bent, after all.

I don't know how good of advice that is... I find if I spend a large amount of time on one thing I get bored with it up to the point that I don't care about so I have to have a wide variety of things to do, and to keep rotating through.
Metal Man88
Posts: 680/701
Do each thing one at a time. I'm able to do an amazing number of things at once with enough organization. Time is made to be bent, after all.
Posts: 258/265
Originally posted by SamuraiX
Originally posted by INSERT COIN
I wish I could but, I do not know which one I would take first. And sometimes I get bored, really fast, doing something.

Instead of trying to write an entire novel at a time, try with a chapter. Instead of getting to 60, try 40; instead of trying to learn the guitar--well, get a guitar, first, and look into lessons. The imcomprensible immensity of tasks prevent them from being completed, so break these tasks into marginally easier ones.

My character is 53 and I am taking lessons on guitar.

Anyways, I have started to write something. Hopefully I get it done.
Posts: 258/265
Originally posted by SamuraiX
Originally posted by INSERT COIN
I wish I could but, I do not know which one I would take first. And sometimes I get bored, really fast, doing something.

Instead of trying to write an entire novel at a time, try with a chapter. Instead of getting to 60, try 40; instead of trying to learn the guitar--well, get a guitar, first, and look into lessons. The imcomprensible immensity of tasks prevent them from being completed, so break these tasks into marginally easier ones.

My character is 53 and I am taking lessons on guitar.

Anyways, I have started to write something. Hopefully I get it done.
Posts: 246/302
Originally posted by INSERT COIN
I wish I could but, I do not know which one I would take first. And sometimes I get bored, really fast, doing something.

Instead of trying to write an entire novel at a time, try with a chapter. Instead of getting to 60, try 40; instead of trying to learn the guitar--well, get a guitar, first, and look into lessons. The imcomprensible immensity of tasks prevent them from being completed, so break these tasks into marginally easier ones.
Posts: 256/265
I wish I could but, I do not know which one I would take first. And sometimes I get bored, really fast, doing something.
Posts: 2695/2713
Well, I dunno about you, but I'd find having that much stuff I want to do kinda frustrating, and yeah, if some of it was playing on my mind, I'd probably get a little depressed.

That said, I'm sure you can make a start on some of it, you just gotta work on using your time more effectively. And don't expect to just rush right into stuff, take your time and work slowly.
Posts: 255/265
I havent done anything useful means, that I havent really done anything. I havent wrote anything or drew anything. Even my SMW hoaxes are frozen. Its because of the school and that I am lazy.

I would like to achiveve very many things including:
- Get a lvl 60 character in warcraft
- Write a full novell.
- Hack SMW.
- Learn to play guitar
- Paint my orc models.

There are some. Yes, I am very lazy.
Posts: 2694/2713
What do you mean by "useful" ? Do you think this could be some of the problem?

I find I can get a bit down on myself when I'm not "useful" or "productive". I seem to tie a lot of my happiness to my ability to achieve things, I can get a bit low when I'm idle. What is it that you want to achieve? What's preventing you from doing so, besides school work? Is there a way you could get a little bit of it done, and work on it slowly?
Posts: 253/265
Originally posted by Tarale
Well, if you are a little stressed, try going for a walk and stuff a few times a week. I find walking helps either take my mind off things / help my mind wander / allows me a bit to think about stuff (depends a bit really) but I usually feel less stressed after.

How are you feeling overall though? Do you feel at all depressed? Or is everything more or less okay, just a little stressful?

Are you doing anything for the stress? Make sure you set aside fun relaxing time too

Walking is my hobby. It helps. I walk often walk for an hour and come back.
Then I have so many ideas. Songs, games, novells, mainly stories.

I do not think that I am depressed but I havent done anything useful for some time. I have so many projects and ideas but the school has 100% energy absorbal power.
Posts: 2693/2713
Well, if you are a little stressed, try going for a walk and stuff a few times a week. I find walking helps either take my mind off things / help my mind wander / allows me a bit to think about stuff (depends a bit really) but I usually feel less stressed after.

How are you feeling overall though? Do you feel at all depressed? Or is everything more or less okay, just a little stressful?

Are you doing anything for the stress? Make sure you set aside fun relaxing time too
Posts: 252/265
It has been a little stressing out here, 'cause the school is hard. (i am not the most brilliant in the class)
But it has been for that about 2 years now and none of this happened.

I have always been very quiet and not shouted to anyone.

And it happened again. I kicked and punched and shouted at my scooter. Its slippery out here adn I kinda freaked out.
Metal Man88
Posts: 675/701
Either you're repressing something you shouldn't, going nuts from stress, or are bipolar/depressed. All I know that is that emotions explode when you don't mete them out carefully.
Posts: 2689/2713
Definitely sounds stress related. How do you feel in general?

I sometimes have moments where my reactions to things are completely disproportional to the cause. It usually happens when I'm stressed or not effectively dealing with other things on my mind.
Rom Manic
Posts: 544/557
Well, the first step in knowing you're not insane is knowing these things are insane. So there must be a deeper reason for it. Stress, perhaps, or maybe even just a phase you're going through.

I suggest you ask a doctor.
Black Lord +
Posts: 267/273
Sometimes I have the urge to get up and slap my professor, because he's an idiot... and I seriously contemplate doing it, is that the same thing.

Sometimes I have the urge to pull out when I ejaculate, and shoot it all over my girlfriends face... is that the same thing.

Sometimes I have the urge to randomly punch people in the face, and take off running... is that the same....

I think everybody has fucked up urges sometimes, it's whether or not you can control these urges that makes you sane or insane.
Posts: 251/265
Yesterday, when I was at school, we had a computer lesson. Our teacher caught me doing something else than the lesson ( I was checking my gmail account) and said something like, I wasnt concentrating on the task.

Suddenly, my mind got really weird. I almost burst into tears and thought that this school was not for me. After few minutes it was gone.

Same day, one of my classmates did a small prank at me. I almost jumped and strangled him, but I managed to restrain myself from doing that.

I am like "WTF is happening to me" Sometimes I'm at the top of the world and in few minutes I am planning to suicide.
Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Officer's Club - Sudden strong feelings


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