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07-01-24 01:12 PM
0 users currently in Craziness Domain.
Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Craziness Domain - Fun with Elipcies in quotes!
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Posts: 845/876
Nothing says STAY AWAY FOR GOD'S SAKE better than ellipses on movie packaging:

"This movie is ... enjoyable."
- Jethro Cletus, The Muleshoe Bi-Monthly Post

"Unforgettable ... acting that screams ... Oscar ..."
- Mike Jones, The San Francisco Underground Entertainment Review Force

"... AWESOMES!!!"
- Jeff Beetles, www.myspace.com/myawesomemoviereviewsite
Posts: 4818/5072
Some geniuses a while back were spamming a website called Firefox Myths on various boards, which showed a number of nice examples of this. For example:

"Any browser is more secure [...] than [...] Firefox" - the original quote being "Any browser is more secure without ActiveX than one with it, including Firefox". Or something along those lines.

One thing I've learned reading news stories and quotes: If it has "[...]" in the middle of it, it's probably BS.
Posts: 5320/5653
Originally posted by emcee
I'm ... sure I understand the purpose of ... that foot. ...

Abuse them.
Posts: 303/450
Originally posted by emcee
I'm not sure I understand the purpose of this thread.

Care to enlighten us? (Of course, this is Craziness, so there might be no purpose.)
Posts: 255/261
The smaller toes are just clinched and are pointing downwards.
Posts: 826/867
I'm not sure I understand the purpose of this thread.

And why does that foot have toenails on the bottom of the toe?
Posts: 24/85
Originally posted by Ailure
...have fun with... people who aren't native speakers of English...

"How does one show gratitude?" "Oh, that's easy. Just stick up your middle finger and say 'screw you!' "
Posts: 254/261
It's used to skip and omit words.

Instead of
Learn to draw feet.

You can have
... draw feet.
Posts: 2500/2602
Originally posted by BooUrns
I thought it would be something to do with Java. (I read the title as "Fun with Eclipse in quotes!")

And, I don't get it.
How would you have fun with that IDE. Netbeans FTW.

Ellipses, ah yes... something I liked to overuse as a newbie. For people who aren't native speakers of English, Ellipses is pretty much "...".
Posts: 253/261
Yeah, that's what happens when you stay awake for more then 32 hours. Can't spell ellipses or sequal.


Wait, what's an elipcie then?
Posts: 886/970
Damn, you're 2 for 2 in misspelling thread titles lately. No wonder BooUrns thought it was supposed to be "eclipses".
Posts: 302/450
I thought it would be something to do with Java. (I read the title as "Fun with Eclipse in quotes!")

And, I don't get it.
Posts: 251/261
Brought to you by a member from a different board.

... draw feet.

Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Craziness Domain - Fun with Elipcies in quotes!


Acmlmboard 1.92.999, 9/17/2006
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