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10-05-24 09:03 PM
0 users currently in Approval Request Forum.
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Posts: 7/94
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Drakkan Kaddar
Posts: 1/4
Probably not going to get it but,

Im Drakkan Kaddar, im a pretty known member at other websites, im also known as mariomaniac. I wanted to come here because i really do like Rom Hacking and no one else will ever talk about it, i think this place is a good environment for people who talk about this. Anyways, Ive been emulating for 2 years (started january 2005) and ive only been hacking older games for 7 months. I cant edit very well, so im looking for help and talking about this. I NEVER use a hex editor in my life except when i made Super Mario 64 jumble which i deleted. Im going to upload my avatar and sig soon, and Im looking forward to posting here more often.
Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Approval Request Forum - Approval...


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