Mario Kart 64 Level Viewer V1.0 (July 17th 2006) by HyperHacker Usage: Open the program. Note that your ROM must be named "Mario Kart 64 (U) [!].rom" and be in the same directory as the program for now. ROMs must be in Big Endian (ABCD) byte order. SDL (sdl.dll) is required, get it here: Controls: -Arrow keys: Move along X and Y axes. -Numpad 0/Numpad Decimal: Move along Z axis. -Numpad Multiply: Move to 0,0,0. -Page Up: Load previous level. -Page Down: Load next level. -Esc: Load another level. -F1: Toggle wireframe mode. -F2: Toggle backface culling. -F3: Toggle sky. -E: Export level as XML. Known bugs: -Loading Moo Moo Farm or DK's Jungle Parkway can crash the program. -No support for alpha transparency, such as the light beams in Bowser's Castle. -Some polygon glitching where polygons overlap. Sometimes this can be resolved by turning culling on. -If there are any translucent windows on the screen, they will flicker when the program starts and when you move the mouse over it. The only workaround I know of is to not have any translucent windows visible. If you have multiple monitors, only one is affected. -The camera starts below the finish line in certain tracks, as I don't yet know how the game sets the finish line's height. -Polygon/mouse click detection doesn't work at some angles. -No camera rotation yet. -Funny colours in Choco Mountain - not sure if it's supposed to look like that or not. Things that look like bugs, but aren't: -When you load Skyscraper it may look like something's wrong, but just hold Down for a few seconds. -Lack of textures and 2D objects - these aren't implemented yet. -When holding Shift, the camera moves wrong. This is an unfinished feature. Quick FAQ: Q: What is culling? A: Culling tells the 3D system not to draw polygons that won't be visible. This program, like Mario Kart itself, uses backface culling, which means polygons won't be drawn from the back while this option is turned on. Most levels use this in the game. Q: Why is everything mostly white and gray? A: The polygon colours are more of a tint for the textures. Most colouring is done by the textures themselves. Q: Why are polygons turning blue? A: When you move the mouse over a polygon, it should turn blue to indicate it's highlighted. This serves no purpose yet. Q: How do I edit the level/view textures/shot web? A: You don't in this version. Q: Why does it say I have no video memory and no graphic capabilities? A: This seems to be an SDL bug, just ignore it for now. Q: How do I choose the ROM to use? A: Read this file again. Compiling: This program is designed to be compiled using MinGW. A simple make script (make.bat) is included, but you'll need to set a few environment variables and probably change some paths in the script to use it.