Super Demo World: The Legend Continues - Level Messagebox Messages ------------------------------------------------------------------ Misty Isle 1: a) -Did you know??- b) Mario cannot pass Zero-G died about through the Goomba 4 dozen times blocks. But other during the demo enemies can, so level recording. watch out! Savestates are a useful thing... Misty Isle 2: a) Using a message block in a level with tides or mist will cause the tides or mist to go away. Just like this! Misty Isle 3: a) If you type in b) If you type in 'ChibiMoon' in the 'Chelsea' in Lunar Overworld editor, Magic and open up then go into the the overworld level editor and editor, you can hit Ctrl-E, you edit the title can lock the screen and credits levels in a hack. plus record moves. Misty Isle 4: a) I wonder what b) Press down on the would happen if white platform for Mario tried to several seconds, pass this level and Mario will go while behind the behind the scenery scenery...? where he cannot be harmed. Misty Isle Secret: a) The gray question blocks hold rare items that will instantly replace the contents of your item box at the top of the screen. #1 Misty Castle: a) A red star must be b) The Star World is unlocked before regarded by many you can use it to as being a death warp. But then trap. Getting in you can't re-enter isn't very hard, the level, so pass but getting back it the normal way out again can be a first if you can! bit difficult... Salty Isle: a) The water is warm b) Zero-G is supposed in these parts, to think up a but I wouldn't message here, but taste it if I were he can't come up you. Yuck! with anything. And we still have about 60 more to do... Desert World 1: a) Actually, I just b) In the desert, the didn't feel like sand erases all making all the trails and causes graphics for the some travelers to paths, so I left get lost. Even them blank. some of these blocks aren't what -FuSoYa they seem... Desert World 2: a) If you hit a b) You can find a key Silver POW, you just above the can find a hidden pipe at the start path beneath the of this level. black pirhana plants. Desert World 3: a) There used to be a b) This is another bug in this level remake level from where we put the Mario 3. Funny 1-UP at the top of how often we the screen, and borrow things from you could keep that game, isn't hitting it to get it? unlimited 1-UPs. Desert World 4: a) You should get b) This is a level both of the white that was from the cloud platforms original Demo moving to make World. It's been passing this level edited a bit, but a whole lot it's still pretty easier. much the same. Desert Pyramid: a) Sometimes you need b) This pyramid is to leave something quite large. Make behind before you sure to explore can go forward. everywhere, you So... uh... has never know where a anyone seen my hidden path may be keys? found... Desert Secret: a) You can move from b) There was a gray this level right question block in to the pyramid the first mushroom without passing house too. Did anything. you find it? Desert Castle: a) The Goomba blocks b) You need a Koopa were originally shell to get the green, but FuSoYa secret exit in didn't like them this level. There and changed them should be one in to blue instead. most mushroom houses... and one in this level. Water World 1: a) Sometimes, to find b) Sometimes when you another path means go in a pipe that going back the way you have just you came and exited from, it trying again. will lead to a totally different room. Water World 2: a) What the...! Hey, the water! No you fool, look what you've just done!! Water World 3: a) There's a much b) Yoshi can walk on harder version of all the jellyfish this level in star without getting world. This one hurt. You may is quite easy in find it easier to comparison. bring him along for this level. Water World 4: a) The jellyfish can b) While doing this be turned into message, Zero-G coins by hitting a realized that he silver POW. still hadn't fixed the coin animation in this level. But it should be fixed now. Water Secret: a) By the way, each b) With the message overworld level block, you can has two possible read messages in messages you can levels that you read. The one you couldn't normally get depends on the get at before. message block's X Just like this position. one! Vacant Ghost House: a) All boos are to b) I'm sorry, but regroup at the new we're not at home secret hideout. right now. If you I've asked Bowser leave a message at to seal it up, so the beep, we'll be Mario won't be sure to scare up a able to find it. reply for you in -??? some future life. Crystal Castle: a) To pass this b) The keyhole is level, you must hidden in the get the midway upper left portion point and then of the second part kill yourself. You of the level. Ride will then restart a block to get up the level past the above the screen. pool of lava. Crystal Secret: a) -SMA2 LM Support- b) While the GBA is a Fact or Fiction? different platform entirely, some In this episode, have wondered if we explore the perhaps Nintendo possibility of a used the same hidden mode in LM format in it as for SMA2 support.. the original game. Sky World 1: a) Some of the small b) Welcome to sky icons on the world! While the clouds are really music may be hidden levels. soothing, stay Can you find them alert! Who knows all? what kind of enemies lurk here? Sky World 2: a) Don't hit the b) You can find a bricks under some hidden exit past of these sprites, the yellow pipes or they'll just and down under the come crashing down grey blocks. on your head! Sky World 3: a) I think Zero-G has b) There is a hidden a strange fixation exit in this level on putting these directly to the silly bombs in his left of the level levels. entrance. Sky World 4: a) It's surprising b) You can find a how fast these 3-UP moon on a ships are going, ship all the way considering the to the right in propellers aren't the level. really turning all that quickly... Sky World 5: a) You'll find it b) Unfortunately, it easier to pass seems that Zero-G this level by not didn't care for trying to go too this advice while quickly and we were play staying against testing, despite the right side of his high fatality the screen. rate. Sky World 6: a) The sky in this b) This hint may help area appears to be on the pipes... a bit strange... take care not to Far, near, then get lost, or you far again. could end up going in circles for quite awhile. Sky Castle: a) There is an b) The arrow is a invisible door in hint. Press the this level that is same direction surrounded by when you are right coins that appear beneath it. when you hit a POW. Sky Secret: a) The color of the b) There is a blue turtle shells in Yoshi in this the gray question game, but he was blocks correspond kidnapped by the with the color of Boos and taken the switch palaces away to their in the same world. hidden hideout. Ice World 1: a) Instead of going b) Ice World is a up near the end of chilly place to this part of the walk around in. level, just keep The ground is going for a secret covered in ice, so exit. watch your step! Ice World 2: a) You may want to b) There's something bring a key with of interest down you when you in the third explore the third canyon. But do canyon. you want to risk taking a look at it? Ice World 3: a) The Santa hats b) Do you like the were Zero-G's background? It's invention. It from Donkey Kong. uses the small And the foreground 'forbidden tile', graphics are from which can cause Yoshi's Island. some problems with the points... Ice Castle: a) The background b) The secret exit in used in this level this level can be came from Mega Man found by breaking X2. through the column of bricks to go left after you come out of the pipe beside it. Ice Secret: a) Zero-G especially b) But FuSoYa just liked the snow thought the snow that you can see that you can see in the windows of through these this mushroom windows was house. 'interesting'. Ice World Igloo: a) The temperature in b) A few holes may this igloo is so have melted in low, even Mario's some of these ice fireballs have blocks, while become frozen ice others may be a balls! They might bit brittle. Who come in handy, knows what might though... be buried here? Pipe World 1: a) To do the multiple b) To get the secret 1-UP trick that in this level, you see on the just watch the title screen, be demo on the title small and press up screen. then release the key. Pipe World 2: a) The background of b) This level may this level came look difficult, from Donkey Kong. but just keep on trying different pipes and you're sure to figure it out. Pipe World 3: a) FuSoYa thinks the b) To do the POW exit POW exit is too guarded by the hard, but Zero-G brown blocks, you claims that it's can go faster by doable. being small Mario. Pipe World 4: a) You should get the b) A sense of springboard at the direction in this top of the level level may be of first before going help. And even on, as it could then, you may get come in handy near confused. the bottom of the level. Pipe World 5: a) Take your time on b) You need to make this level. Timing the red Yoshi grow is important when up to get the trying to get secret in this through the hungry level. plants in this level. Pipe Fortress: a) Yes, this is a b) You can find a remake of a level 3-up moon if you from Mario 3. Do jump all the way you remember where up and go to the the exit is? right in the lava room. Pipe World Secret: a) We tried to use a b) The vine in this piranha plant as a level may come in level, but it handy in the would vanish as castle for this soon as you pass world. the level, so we took it out. #7 Pipe Castle: a) The background in b) The vines in this this level came world grow big and from Yoshi's strong. They also Island. have a taste for Goombas... Bowser's World 1: a) Zero-G thinks this b) Although Bowser's level is too easy, world may look a especially for little sparse, Bowser's world. there are still a But he made it, few secrets hidden so... along the way. See if you can find them! Bowser's World 2: a) You can find the b) The background in secret exit by this level is from flying left from Mega Man. the end of the level. Bowser's World 3: a) Don't panic, and b) Be careful to just keep moving avoid the fire right. And you thrusters, they might make it can singe the through this level moustache right alive... barely. off of Mario. Reznor's Fortress: a) Fly up just after b) Jump towards the the yellow pipe to castle wall to find the keyhole find the key for for this level. this level. #8 Bowser's Castle: a) I blocked access b) Twinkle, twinkle to the Boo hideout little star. How like they wanted. I wonder what you Bunch of cowards! are. Placed right If that Big Boo in the middle with didn't scare me so such care, could much, why I'd...! there be a hidden -Bowser path up there? Bowser's Secret: a) The background in b) Nah, Zero-G was this level is just too lazy to from... the void. put a proper background in this level. Misty Star World: a) Using a message box in a level with tides or mist will cause them to go away. Water Star World: a) Don't use the b) Swim straight up silver POW near at the start of the pipe... just the level for a swim under. Use star and a silver the silver POW to POW. get the key hidden up amoung the jellyfish later. Sky Star World: a) You can find the b) To take lakitu's keyhole on a ledge cloud past the up in the first invisible coin part of the level. blocks, jump off him so that he floats past them and run up the side of the ledge. Pipe Star World: a) Drop down the left b) Smash the brick side of the pit and go past the before the goal to flame to find the find a pipe. key for this After going level. through the pipe, go left to find the keyhole. Bowser's Star World: a) You can find the b) Follow the Yoshi key by riding the coin down the pit skulls underneath and then fly all the last grey the way to the block platform. left to find the keyhole. Backdoor Star World: a) When you hit the b) This level is block for the key, slightly easier if you must get it you've gotten some down before it of the switch gets carried back palaces. up. Otherwise you won't be able to get it after that. Secret Star World: a) Don't let the time b) Once Bowser's seal limit scare you. is removed from There is an easier the hidden path, and faster way of only a leap of doing things... faith from this point will carry you forward. Big Boo's Star Road: a) So, you managed to b) Didn't fall for find our little the key bit, eh? world after all. Guess I'll have to Fine, if you want get serious... I me, grab the key hope you have your and come get me!! life insurance all paid up, because -The Big Boo anything goes now! Big Boo World 1: a) Just give up and b) This is your last go home Mario. chance, Mario! You're completely Kill yourself in surrounded by my this pit and leave boos. You won't or I'll give you a make it through one way ticket to this world alive. eternal misery...! -The Big Boo -The Big Boo Big Boo World 2: a) The return path b) What the...? Hey, was sealed? Guess no fair! You're you're stuck here not allowed to use now. Too bad... the secret exit! But I'm sure my Don't you dare use boos will be happy that key, I'm not to entertain you. done with you yet! -The Big Boo -The Big Boo Big Boo World 3: a) Found your way to b) Hee hee, so how do the secret exit, you like my little did you? Alright, key and keyhole go ahead... take duplicates? Check the key and leave. out the one below Or try to, anyway. this block... you can't even tell -The Big Boo that it's fake! Big Boo World 4: a) I hope you're fast b) What, how'd you on your feet Mario get all the way or my boos will over here!? Come give you the scare on you guys, pick of a lifetime! up the pace! What Boo-ah-ha ha ha!! am I paying you for!? Arrgh... -The Big Boo -The Big Boo Big Boo World 5: a) Still alive? Well, b) Your persistance not for long. My is starting to get boos can change irritating... Oh into anything, and well, you won't be jump in and out of getting past the the next dimension next level anyway. at will! -The Big Boo -The Big Boo Big Boo World 6: a) Didn't bring a b) I guess you don't star? Forgot a scare easily... switch palace? Ah But you've never ha, now you HAVE seen the inside of to turn back! But my tower! One look there's no way out and you'll wish while the return you'd never heard paths are sealed! of Boo's world! #9 Big Boo's Tower: a) Welcome to the Boo b) You wish to fight Tower, Mario. I me directly? Very hope you like the well, I'll even decor, since this give you a midway is where you'll be point so I can spending the rest kill you over and of your life... over again... -The Big Boo -The Big Boo Big Boo's Secret!: a) -NOTICE- b) This is a power-up This has all of my that allows you to treasures stored use Yoshi Fire in inside, so all of addition to your you boos stay out! own fireballs. It And that goes for works whenever you you too, Mario! get a regular fire -The Big Boo flower. ...?: a) I must finish this b) No, you crazy old level! The hack coot! I already is to be released did this level by soon! 60 levels myself! Stop it, in 60 days... Good you're wrecking my Lord, what were we work! FuSoYaaaa!! thinking!? This is insane!!