engine 830001ac XDDD=direction/if active 830001ae =Y position 830001b0 =X position 830001b2 830001b4 830001b6 =ff60=collision bubble top 830001b8 =0000=collision bubble bottom 830001ba =ffe8=collision bubble front(left) 830001bc =0040=collision bubble back(right) 830001be 830001c0 =HP 830001c2 =animation frame 830001c4 HHHH=sprite shape 830001c6 SSSS=sprite set 830001c8 EEXX=enemy engine 830001ca CCCC=sprites chosen(usually 0000) 830001cc =Z position\color 830001ce 830001d0 LLXX=collision effect/action number 830001d2 =collision if active(0000=active 0001=inactive) 830001d4 830001d6 =time invincible 830001d8 =enemy specific(mostly to do with projectiles) 830001da =movement speed 830001dc =time frozen 830001de =hit flash color\hit effect(missle bounce off etc.) 830001e0 =color change after hit 830001e2 830001e4 =next enemy direction/if active XDDD 0003=active(some times it's 1) 0000=inactive 0000=facing left 0040=facing right 0100=upsidedown 0000=rightside up engine data EEXX 1200=creeper 1300=quick creeper 1600=ripper 1a00=large HP pickup 1b00=small HP pickup 1c00=missle pickup 1d00=super missle pickup 1f00=shriek bat 5100=space pirate 7500=mother brain Sprite set HHHH SSSS CCCC 33b4 082b 0000=small HP 33dc 082b 0000=large HP 3404 082b 0000=missle 341c 082b 0000=super missle 342c 082b 0000=power bomb 344c 082b 0000=HP cluster e100 082c 0200=shriek bat 56f4 082c 0000=creeper ccd4 082c 0000=ripper 4fac 082e 0000=space pirate collision effect LLXX 0000=go through 0100=solid 0200=solid(can jump up through it) 0300=solid(underside damages you for 5 dmg) 0400=5 dmg 0500=25 dmg 0700=0dmg(bounce off) 0900=quick drain 0c00=solid(can't stand on) 0d00-0e=5 dmg(knocks you far) 1800=slow drain 1a00=zipline(believe it or not) 1c00=5 dmg at top(disapears when hit by bottom) 1d00=throws you forward(left) 1f00=recover 5 HP 2000=recover 20 HP 2100=recover 2 missles 2200=recover 2 super missles 2300=recover 1 power bomb 2400=recover 60 HP