00=empty 01=platform you can stand on but walk/jump through 02=block you can't power grip onto 03=nothing as far as I can tell 07=you can't but enemies can go through 08=nothing as far as I can tell 09=zipline wall 10=block 11=high slant R 12=high slant L 13=slight slant R 14=moderate slant R 15=moderate slant L 16=slight slant L 17=you can but enemies can't go through 18-1a=block 1b=water 1C=wet ground 1d=dusty ground 1e=block 1f=nothing as far as I can tell 20=zoneline 21=???(from Norfair 21) 22-26=same as 21(think thay're roof slants) 27=elevator zoneline up 28=elevator zoneline down 29=elevator up 2a=elevator down 2b=nothing as far as I can tell 2c=very wet ground 2d=very dusty ground 2e-2f=nothing as far as I can tell 30=gray door(only works on some doors) 31-35=nothing as far as I can tell 36=regular door(only works on some doors) 37-3f=nothing as far as I can tell 40=missle door(only works on some doors) 41-45=nothing as far as I can tell 46=super missle door(only works on some doors) 47-4b=nothing as far as I can tell 4C=power bomb door(only works on some doors) 4d-4f=nothing as far as I can tell 50=2X2 block shootable bottom left 51=2X2 block shootable bottom right 53=same as 50(reforms when you leave the room) 54=same as 51(reforms when you leave the room) 55=shootable 56=fall through 57=bomb block(reforms when you leave the room) 58=missle block(never reforms) 59=super missle block(never reforms) 5a=speed block(reforms when you leave the room) 5b=power bomb block(never reforms) 5c=energy tank 5d=missle tank 5e=super missle tank 5f=power bomb upgrade 60=2X2 block shootable bottom left 61=2X2 block shootable bottom right 62=shootable reforming 63=same as 61(reforms when you leave the room) 64=same as 62(reforms when you leave the room) 65=nothing as far as I can tell 66=slow fall through block 67=bomb block(reforms) 68=missle block(reforms when you leave the room) 69=super missle block(reforms when you leave the room) 6a=speed block(instant reforming) 6b=screw attack block 6c=hidden energy tank 6d=hidden missle tank 6e=hidden super missle tank 6f=hidden power bomb upgrade 70-73=bomb block chain up/down 74-77=bomb block chain left/right 77-7b=nothing as far as I can tell 7c=energy tank(under water) 7d=missle tank(under water) 7e=super missle tank(under water) 7f=power bomb upgrade(under water) 80=foreground trigger solid 81=foreground trigger transparent lvl1 82=foreground trigger transparent lvl2 83=foreground trigger transparent lvl3 84=foreground trigger transparent lvl4 85=foreground trigger transparent lvl5 86=foreground trigger completely transparent 87-8A=nothing as far as I can tell 8b=??? from Ridly 4 8c-9f=nothing as far as I can tell A0=weak lava A1=strong lava A2=flamin' powerful lava