{\rtf1\mac\ansicpg10000\cocoartf824\cocoasubrtf410 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} \margl1440\margr1440\vieww9000\viewh8400\viewkind0 \pard\tx720\tx1440\tx2160\tx2880\tx3600\tx4320\tx5040\tx5760\tx6480\tx7200\tx7920\tx8640\ql\qnatural\pardirnatural \f0\fs24 \cf0 Bob Omb battlefield!!! (I will soon post the behaviors along with it.\ \ In the sequence [24,18,1F,XX] change XX to the number below for the following result.\ \ 36-Chain chomp gate\ 37-Walking bridge\ 38-Switch gate\ 39-Pirahna plant\ 75-Yellow coin\ 77-Blue coin\ 79-Blue Star\ 80-Cannon\ 81-Big Face Block\ 82-Transparent red box\ 83-Yellow Star\ 84-Transparent [ ! ] box mark\ 85- Circular shadow(?)\ 90-Small fire\ --------------------------------------------------------\ Bowser course 1!!!\ --------------------------------------------------------\ 12-Warp pipe to bowser \ 36-Rotating squares\ 37-Blue rectangular bridge\ 38-Big yellow block\ 39-Ninja star\ 3F-Blue 6 squared block\ 75-yellow coin\ 77-Blue coin\ 79-Blue Star\ 80-Cannon\ 81-Big Face Block\ 82-Transparent red box\ 83-Yellow Star\ 84-Transparent [ ! ] box mark\ 85- Circular shadow(?)\ 90-Small fire\ CF-Stairs switch\ 3B-Stairs\ 8C-blue coin switch\ ------------------------------------------------------\ Castle Grounds!!!\ ------------------------------------------------------\ 54-Group of birds\ 36-Underwater gate\ 37-Castle Flag\ }