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11-02-05 12:59 PM
1 user currently in Super Mario World hacking: labmaster | 3 guests
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Super Mario World hacking - Hacking Backgrounds
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Posts: 484/971
Originally posted by klemjohansen
On loan from Python's Grayle: Almighty God Himself.

That was my favourite movie, and I wonder why no-one cared about making an SMW hack on that theme before.
Juggling Joker
Posts: 395/1033
Eh... copy and pasting is adding a step you don't need. Just note the level of the background you are copying, open the level you want to paste in, and select the Copy Background Image or whatever in that one menu is. That isn't a very good description because I'm at work and don't have a copy of Lunar Magic on hand that I can check the specific names on.
Posts: 5/5
I added KEKE clouds with a flatulence problem and a reference to the Goatse man

On loan from Python's Grayle: Almighty God Himself.
Alastor the Stylish
Posts: 2905/7620
Originally posted by blackhole89
Actually, nothing is loaded "in the background" or "in the foreground", since layer 1 and 2 use the same tileset in the SMW engine (nice name for it, eh^^). Means, you can as well use background tiles in the FG and vice versa.
What LM calls the four tilesets loaded only indicates how they were originally used in SMW. However, it's up to you whether you put your FG tiles in BG1 and your background in FG3 or whatever you might (or might not) want to do.

Hence why I said "normally". As in, SMW primarily uses the third slot for the background.

EDIT: Expanding on what JJ said, just open the background editor, select everything, and copy it to the clipboard, open another level (preferably with the same tilemap ), set it to load from the same page as the first one if it doesn't already, and paste what's on the clipboard in to the background editor, then save.
Juggling Joker
Posts: 392/1033
I'm not sure if LM supports exporting the tilemap for the Background or not, as I've never really had much use for a feature like that. You can export the Map16 pages (which besides the first 3 pages, are consistent throughout the entire rom, by the way), however.

EDIT: Oh, and you can copy backgrounds level to level in the same rom.
Posts: 4/5
Here's one which I doubt has a good answer:

I'm trying to build backgrounds for a hack that soeone else is putting together. So far we've concluded that I need to do the backgrounds last since I can't exactly attach them to levels that don't yet exist. As it is, it looks like I need to build the backgrounds over and over again (even if I want to reuse the same one a few times). That means redoing the background itself as well as the layout of the 16x16 map [which I believe is only saved inside the level or ROM itself.

Even if I were doing this by myself, I'd still be reinventing the wheel over and over again. Is there a more efficient way?

I guess I could make the backgrounds first and make them build the levels on top of a new rom and copy/paste the levels from there on the same base ROM. But I can't guarantee that I even have the right "mother" ROM.

Posts: 475/971
Actually, nothing is loaded "in the background" or "in the foreground", since layer 1 and 2 use the same tileset in the SMW engine (nice name for it, eh^^). Means, you can as well use background tiles in the FG and vice versa.
What LM calls the four tilesets loaded only indicates how they were originally used in SMW. However, it's up to you whether you put your FG tiles in BG1 and your background in FG3 or whatever you might (or might not) want to do.

Posts: 3/5

Alastor the Stylish
Posts: 2897/7620
There actually is only one page normally loaded to the background. To change the "bottom half," you would change whatever is selected for foreground 3.
Posts: 2/5
That's odd because when I addess a given page in LM I get a 16x16 page of 8x8's

When I activate supergfx bypass,I have the option of 1 BG page Changing that only changes the top half of the grid. What happens if I want to change the bottom half in TLP?
Alastor the Stylish
Posts: 2896/7620
Actually in LM there's two GFX files stacked on top of each other. So yeah, those 8 rows are all that's in one normal GFX file.

I'm pretty sure to save the 16x16 to the ROM you need only press F9...
Posts: 1/5
So I finally managed to put together a bg w/ custom clouds and a few other niceties, but I've got some questions:

- in TLP, why can't I see/edit the bottom 8 rows? The pages are 16 rows & columns in LM. What gives?

- I spent (wasted) loads of time building a 16x16 map for background editing, but to save it I have to embed it in the ROM, but I'm collaborating w/ folks who haven't finished their bits yet. How can I strip off the bg & tilemap?

Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Super Mario World hacking - Hacking Backgrounds


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