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11-02-05 12:59 PM
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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Story Forum - Chronicles of Darkness Special Edition 2: Ambition & Arrogance
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Posts: 1977/2036
Cliff got a bit confused. OK... did his trainer wanted him to use Ember or Scratch?

... why not trying both?

Cliff opened his mouth and attempted to breath fire... only to have a puff of smoke come out!

Samurai Joe: "HAHAHA! How very funny! Look at that cute lizard! Metapod! HARDEN!"

Cliff got annoyed at the human laughing at him and dashed toward Metapod as he was surrounded in a strange light.


Cliff did NOT liked this sound!... and felt an incredible pain in his right hand! Man! That Metapod's skin is much harder than he had tought!

Samurai Joe: "Hey! What's wrong? Is the armor of my Metapod a bit too hard for your Charmander's liking? Hehehe!"

Cliff (0) (IIIIIIIIII)

Pinsir (0) (IIIIIIIIII) =KOed=
Caterpie (0) (IIIIIIIIII) =KOed=
Metapod (0) (IIIIIIIIII)


During this time...


Lord Murkrow: "What?!? You avoided my attack? CHEATER!"


Direct hit! Lord Murkrow stumbled backward a bit!

Lord Murkrow: "OOOOW! Pokemons are not allowed to wield weapons, moron!"

Lord Murkow turned to Drake, his right eye twitching.

Lord Murkrow: "This calls for a good old fashionned beating!"

Lord Murkrow spreaded his wings and then took to the skies. He turned around Drake for a few seconds...

Buster: "ACK! LOOK OUT!"

Lord Murkrow suddenly dropped from above and tried to peck at Drake's eyes, repeatedly! Needless to say, should this work, this will not only blind Drake for a while but cause great pain as well massive damage (well, relatively to Drake's current Max HP anyway).


Dark Sarah sticked her tongue at Sneasel!

Dark Sarah: "Hey ninja boy! You're so clumsy a deaf man could hear you when you're trying to walk around! Your ninjustsus are worthless! I seen a Caterpie that was a better ninja than you!"

Sneasel closed his eyes, trying to remain calm...

Sneasel: "A true ninja is confident in his abilities and is not affected by taunts..."

Sneasel opened his eyes. He was shaking with rage!

Sneasel: "But a true ninja doesn't let a brat insult his honor either! I will teach you a lesson!"

Dark Sarah smiled and winked...

Dark Sarah: "Really? Well... make me, big bad boy!"

This angered Sneasel even further!


Sneasel spun like a top as a small gust of fire formed around him... and then, he suddenly stopped spinning, sending the gust of fire toward Dark Sarah! She simply jumped to the side, avoiding the attack.

She took a very... err... weird stance.

Dark Sarah: "Oh my! Hot... so hot... hehehehe!"


Dark Sarah: "You want me? Come get me!"

She winked again. This was the last straw! Sneasel dashed toward Dark Sarah, screaming in rage!

Dark Sarah stood there until Sneasel came close and then, when he tried to execute a scratch attack, she sidestepped the attack... placing her left foot in the way of the ninja pokemon. Sneasel tripped on her foot and went slidding directly into the wall!


Sneasel: "The way of the ninja prevents me from telling you, female, how lowly I think of you..."


Poochyena continued to bark.

Ghastly grow bored and decided to throw a can of magical paint at the annoying dog!

Poochyena turned into a pink and purple color scheme!

Poochyena: "Huh? YIPES! I've been painted pink and purple! DISGUSTING!"

Ghastly laughed at the stupid dog.

Life Force (0) (IIIIIIIIII)
Concentration (IIIIIIIIII)
Limit (0) (IIIIIIIIII)

Dark Sarah (0) (IIIIIIIIII)
Ghastly (1) (IIIIIIIIII)



Back at the balcony there was a loud sound...


Something fell down and landed just next to Sarah! It was Celebi and she was in an absolutely terrible state! She was covered with various wounds and liked like she would fall into pieces any second...

Celebi: "UGH! Ow... I... I never seen something that... that strong before... *COUGH!*"

Celebi began to cough and then, a crimson puddle began to expand from the green fairy...

Celebi: "Don't... worry. I am Death itself... Physical death is only... temporary to me... Take my scythe and... use it to escape from this... place. I'll meet you at the other side of the... Silver Mountain pass... once I get a new body..."

There was a strange sound and then, Celeb's scythe teleported next to Sarah.

Instantly, the Dark Pokemons around Sarah ran away, terrorised by the legendary weapon. Maybe Sarah can use this weapon to scare all the Dark Pokemons that stands in the way?


During this time...


As Siryx, Serra, and all the others made it away from the annoying place, Fierce Deity turned to Serra.

Fierce Deity: "Well... I guess you all understand why we hate this world so much. People fight you for no reason, there's stupid rules everywhere, and you can't get anywhere without stupid badges which are obtained by beating up more annoying people."

Fierce Deity paused...

Fierce Deity: "As such... this means that if we want to have a snowball's chance in a volcano to ever find your children, we'll have to get those badges!... and for that, we'll need to defeat certain guys nammed "Gym Leaders". I will warn you now... defeating them won't be easy... especially with the Guardians rampaging about and with the local villains doing the same. Still, it will have to be done or else, we will never be allowed to go anywhere."

Fierce Deity paused again.

Fierce Deity: "You know... walking like that is boring. I could use my powers to teleport us all to our destination. What about it, boss?"

Siryx: "Actually, I don't mind. I'll let Serra decide."

He turned to his wife.

Siryx: "So... shall we teleport to our destination or do you want to walk all the way to there?"


During this time...


The report was given out...

COMP: "Those seem to be top secret files detailing what happened here! It is written in a form of a diary of some sort and seems to have belonged to the director of the factory.

... Translation of documents completed.



Ever since the Master Computer was subdued by the mysterious invaders, they commanded us to start a new project and to change the function of our factories. We are now to create a kind of ulta high-tech bio-mechanical weapon, "Ex" beings.

We received the blueprints just yesterday... and I couldn't believe it! Dimensional manipulation... swords made of flesh and working on Soul Energy... Ultra compressed tissues and supra magic stocking... Total insanity!

I do not know how our factory will be able to produce such advanced weapons with just our mere technology...


After we told the invaders about our unability to produce such advanced weaponry, the invaders executed half of our staff and killed the families of all the surviving staff, telling us that it would be worse if we continued to disobey our new gods.

We told them it wasn't our fault... but they didn't listened. ALL of the staff exept for me was executed and all of our workers were executed as well as their families. Only I remain... the invaders gave me command over a horde of souless robots and told me that they would kill my family as well if I didn't created the weapons.

I tried to explain to them that the reason production hadn't begun was that we didn't had the technology needed. Upon hearing this, they shipped me the blueprints for producing the machines needed... as well as... OH GREAT...

Among the packages they sent was the disembodied head of my 7 years-old daughter. They said that they tortured her to death becease of my failure at obeying them and that my 3 months-old son would be next.

Having no time to grieve, I ordered the robots to build the machines... which was done quickly enough. Then, production begun.


Production of "Ex" beings begun. We produced about 200000 of them during this month and followed the procedures for raising them... altought I omitted the torturing part.

I do not understand why the children must be tortured. It says clearly that their minds must be broken and that they must be turned into mindless slaves. What's wrong with those invaders?!? They kill all of us becease of THEIR mistakes and now, they want me to torture innocent young minds? I do not care if they're weapons! They have minds of their own!

Also, we noticed that the technology the invaders use is a bit... dangerous. It seems that the use of the Dimensional engines is ripping apart Time and Space slowly. As such, we used their technology to create Purifiers which cancel the effects of the radiations. As long as production remains at current level, everything will be OK...


The Guardians executed my son. They sent me his body. It was so horrible... they told me it was punishment for not respecting their demands. They want more than 30000000 "Ex" beings a month and they want their minds to be totally broken by torture. As a bonus, they sent me my wife's head as well. I am now totally alone... I loathe those invaders... these... murderers...

I told them about the dangers of the radiations... but they cut my left arm off and my right leg off! Then, they put salt into both open wounds so that I may learn not to disobey. Every second of my life is physical and psychological pain... they say that our world has no value. We are mortals and as such, should be honored of being allowed to worship them. We are to love and worship them, giving our lives just becease they say so and never, ever especting even just a look from them. I will never serve such cruel bastards...



I am ZSGK-01, the new director. The old one was executed and his soul was sent to the Hellish Dimensions for eternal punishment for his lack of faith to the Almighty and Perfect Guardians. I will not fail, unlike this measly fool.

I increased production by 4000% and begun torture of newly produced subjects. Subjects are to be totally broken until their souls have completely vanished, thus turning them into puppets that the Marvelous and All-knowing Guardians will use to further even more their Eternal Glory.

Radiations caused rifts to open and Nightmare Demons slaughter the local villages. It is not important. NOTHING is important exept the will of the Glorious Guardians! Our workers began to fall to the pollution, one by one. The workers installed Purifiers to protect themselves from the pollution. I executed half of them and tortured the survivors for 4 days straight, day and night, to punish them for daring thinking by themselves.

I went to destroy the Purifers but my body is failing to the radiation. I will empale myself. I am disgraced for I failed the Guardians.



I am KFYTI-0122, the third director. ZSGK-01's soul was sent to the Hellish Dimensions for eternal punishment becease of his failure to serve the Almighty and Perfect Guardians whose Glory knows no limits.

The workers continue production altought the entire area is completely polluted. I whip them daily to force them out of the Purifers. Those worthless wimps! Their survival is of no importance! ONLY the Glory of the Guardians is of ANY importance in ALL of the Universe! Still, they take pauses to let their wounds close, within the Purifiers. This must NOT be tolerated! Production must NOT slow down! The Guardians' will is absolute!

But then, some workers begun to mutate. Survivors begged me to summon help to eliminate the monsters. I personally killed the fools after a full week worth of torture and sent them to the Hellish Dimensions. You must NEVER ask anything from the Guardians! We are unworthy, unsignificant worms compared to the Eternal Glory of the Guardians! We have no right, exept to bask in awe upon their Glory!... and we are grateful from being allowed to worship the ONLY true gods!

I cannot believe this! Monsters have terminated the last workers! The machinery is failing! They are about to enter this office! There is no time to burn those documents... not that it makes any difference. I have failed the Guardians. I deserve death and eternal punishment.


... this is revolting. There is no need to have feelings to see how revolting and unneffective the Guardians' methods are."


COMP: "WARNING! High energy signatures detected outside office! Use caution!"
Posts: 3419/3727
Nino: "Hey, Cliff, if you have ember use it, if not, use scratch again... This might get annoying though..."

Drake pointed the sword forward, while jumping out of the way, knowing he'd get out of the way, he landed on one hand, flipped over to his feet and charged at the Murkrow trying to get a quick slash in.

Drake: "Let me show you how strong I can be!"

Sarah looked back up the balcony, hoping Celebi would be down fast, she wanted to get out of here.

Serra looked around, grinning, she loved her old body, especially with this power, the power she'd use to exact revenge on "fate".

Serra: "Right, we better hurry, I can already feel Drake's presence, he somehow regained his true form already. As for Sarah, we better look for her first."

Dracoon stepped into the purifier and sat down.

Dracoon: "Comp, detach and scan."

A circular object detached from Dracoon's shoulder and began to scan the documents as Dracoon went to closing off the time distortion around his arm. He'd learned a lot about controlling time while fighting against Star, how much would be helpful he didn't know. He continued to work on it as COMP finished scanning the documents.

COMP: "Report ready!"
Posts: 1971/2036
OFF: OOPS! Posted too early. Wait while I complete the post...


Cliff stared at Nino for a while... and then stared at the Metapod. Altought his face had no expression... you could sense the determination in his eyes.

Cliff dashed foward and slashed with great strenght...

Samurai Joe: "METAPOD! HARDEN!"

Metapod glowed in a strange light just before Cliff's attack connected.

Metapod stood there, strong...

Cliff was surprised... why didn't Metapod flinch?

Samurai Joe grinned...

Cliff (0) (IIIIIIIIII)

Pinsir (0) (IIIIIIIIII) =KOed=
Caterpie (0) (IIIIIIIIII) =KOed=
Metapod (0) (IIIIIIIIII)


During this time...


Buster: "Well... you don't have much power... but I'm sure you can beat those guys, no problem! Just wait a second... I'll activate battle mode."


Suddenly, Drake's Dark Side awakened and totally consumed his Light Side... but strangely enough, he did not change personality. Drake stayed exactely the same... exept that everything around him seemed more... sharp. It was as if his senses had been upgraded...

Buster: "There! Now, Dark Overdrive can be used! However... it seems like you don't know any Dark Overdrive yet... and you can't copy Overdrives from other "Ex" beings, you know! So... create your own! By the way... since you're a half-breed, like your father, there is a slight chance that Dark Overdrives may misfire... but remember! I'm not responsible for YOUR mistakes, I'm just a weapon!"

Lord Murkrow: "Hahaha! I'm quite proud of some of the spells I have! See? Serving Fate has it's advantages and as such, I was allowed to learn attacks normal Murkrows can't! Now... FREEZE!!!"

Lord Murkrow pointed his right wing at Drake and fired a gigantic blue thunderbolt toward him!

Buster: "INCOMING!!! Use your powers to slow down and evade the Ice Beam, DUH!"


Sneasel: "The way of the ninja will defeat you all!"

He took out a shuriken!

Sneasel: "Pokemon are not allowed to wield weapons... but as a servant of Fate, I was given tools to protect the path of Fate from Dark Pokemons like you!"

Sneasel thrown the shuriken, aiming at Dark Sarah!

Dark Sarah jumped to the side, avoiding it!


Poochyena looked around, panicked... and then, decided to act! He barked at Ghastly!

Ghaslty sticked his tongue at Poochyena!

Life Force (0) (IIIIIIIIII)
Concentration (IIIIIIIIII)
Limit (0) (IIIIIIIIII)

Dark Sarah (0) (IIIIIIIIII)
Ghastly (1) (IIIIIIIIII)



During this time...


As Sarah jumped off the balcony, nothing slowed down her fall... and she landed straight on the hard, hard ground.

Fall speed + hard ground + Height distance = overkill

...and yet, altought there was a deafening sound and the feeling of her entire body being crushed, death didn't came...

Her body simply reformed, as if nothing had happened.

Celebi had somehow turned her body semi-liquid, allowing her to survive the fall!... but it now seems that now that she recovered from the fall, the ability is gone and her body is fully solid again.

Tons of Dark Pokemons stares at her... and then suddenly, scatters, terrorised!

In the sky, a rainbow has appeared... but upon closer inspection, Sarah noticed that the rainbow was actually getting closer!... which means that the rainbow is, in truth, a creature!


During this time...


As both Serra and Siryx clutched the stones... nothing seemed to happen.

Siryx stared at the Ever Stone, disappointed.

Siryx: "Stupid rock!"

He thrown it away... and then, noticed that he was taller... much taller! In fact, he was back to the size of a human!

He turned to his wife... and then he had the confirmation of what he was suspecting! An Ever Stone's effect cannot be sensed, only seen.

Dark Weapon's voice echoed in Serra's head...

Dark Weapon: "Finally! Well, I guess we should... err... I think people noticed your transformation..."

Everyone had stopped in their tracks, all staring at the weird humanoid beings.

One pokemon trainer stepped foward.

Pokemon Trainer: "Wha... What was that?!? Those pokemons... they evolved into... what is that?!?"

He advanced toward the Anti-Exs.

Pokemon Trainer: "I MUST have them! I must! What about a trade? A powerful Blaziken in exchange for the female pokemon, OK?"

Lieutenant Shadow: "Captain Dark, you have the permission to anwser his question."

Captain Dark: "COOL! YO!"

Captain Dark jumped in front of the Pokemon Trainer and then, his disguise was deactivated... not that there were many differences between his true form and the disguised one. His disguise only cause a change in his clothes and that's all.

Captain Dark: "YOOOOO!!! FALCON PUNCH!!!"

Captain Dark's hand was surrounded with fire as he punched the pokemon trainer right in the face! The sheer strenght of the attack sent the poor human flying high above the clouds, away from the town...

Everyone gasped.

Lieutenant Shadow: "The next one to ask such questions will have an anwser from Captain Dark!"

Another pokemon trainer stepped foward.

Pokemon trainer: "Then I challenge you!"

Lieutenant Shadow: "What is the challenge?"

Pokemon trainer: "I'll use my own pikachu and my own raichu against your two weird pokemons! Let's do this!"

Siryx stepped foward.

Siryx: "Actually, there will be no challenge."

Pokemon trainer: "ACK! It speaks?!? It must be a rare one! I MUST fight it!"

Siryx: "WILL YOU SHUT UP?!? I had enough! Look... I may look like a pokemon but I'm NOT a pokemon! I am another type of creature!... and I'll give you proof! Lieutenant Shadow! Fire the Tractor Beam at me."

Lieutenant Shadow: "But boss..."

Siryx: "DO IT!"

Lieutenant Shadow pointed the pokeball at Siryx and fired the beam! The beam struck Siryx... and nothing happened!

Siryx: "See?"

Pokemon trainer: "Incredible... what kind of creature are you?"

Siryx: "It is not important. Even if I told you, you would forget in about five minutes since you morons are only interested in increasing your pokemon collection."

Siryx turned around and walked toward the exit of the area along with the Anti-Exs. They invited Serra to follow them...


During this time...


The office contained a small, damaged Purifier... but while it's light radius was small, it was still large enough for Dracoon to step inside and have his body regenerate.

The office was a rather small and dark room since the only source of light was a small lamp on the only desk. On the desk, many documents were placed there. Maybe there's critical info in these documents?
Posts: 3414/3727
The wind blew over the battle field and Nijote sighed.

Nijote: "Cliff... scratch him and finish this so we can leave please... I'm sure you need a rest and we still have a long way ahead of us... I just can't believe we took time out to fight this guy... what do you think?"

Drake: "All right!"

Drake shouted with power, hoping to scare them. He took the sword, feeling power flow through him just because of the touch.

Drake: "Right, Buster, tell me how much power I have."

Sarah: "Ok... but be careful, don't let this guy beat you!"

Sarah turned to the outside and leapt off, trying to be as brave as she could, so far anger had brought her a long way, but it was wearing out and she was turning back into a normal little girl again on te inside.

Serra clutched the stone.

Serra: "Ok... lets turn to our normal forms and try and get through this as quick as we can... I don't want to stay here to long, I just had a bad feeling that someone is in trouble..."

Serra willed for the stone to activate, hoping she'd be back in her own form soon enough.

Dracoon walked towards the purifier, his beam sword still out. He would fix the problem at the purifier, he had pleanty of tools on him.
Posts: 1970/2036
Cliff, confident, dashed foward and slashed at the enemy another time!

Samurai Joe returned the poor insect in his pokeball as soon as Cliff smacked it again.

Samurai Joe: "This is bad... really bad... METAPOD!"

Samurai Joe thrown his last pokeball. Some kind of strange creature somewhat shaped like a green banana with eyes, came out.

Cliff stared at his opponent... then burst out laughing!

Nino's pokedex activated itself...

"Samurai Joe's Metapod is famous for being TOTALLY unable to attack as it's only tech is "Harden", a move that causes it's defense to increase... and there comes the most annoying factor; if Metapod is not defeated quickly enough, he will become invincible, forcing one of the two sides to surrender... and Samurai Joe can stand there, staring at his Metapod for days as he's waiting for his opponent to surrender... in fact, Samurai Joe's only victory came from that strategy.

Still, since it takes a while for MetaPod to gain such a high defense, you have more than enough time to defeat it."

Cliff (0) (IIIIIIIIII)

Pinsir (0) (IIIIIIIIII) =KOed=
Caterpie (0) (IIIIIIIIII) =KOed=
Metapod (0) (IIIIIIIIII)


During this time...


As Drake placed his hands on the Dark Weapon, he began to glow...


Ghastly: "Huh? He's evolving?"


The light disappeared and Drake was back in his original, humanoid form!

Dark Sarah: "NOT FAIR! Why do I get to remain stuck in this form while you get to return to your original form?"

Ghastly: "Err... that's just so wrong... Aren't pichus supposed to evolve into pikachus?"

Dark Weapon: "Well... your name is Drake, isn't it? My name is... er... I believe it's something like Buster or something like that. Now I..."


A huge rock fell from the ceiling, blocking the exit!

Dark Sarah: "Huh? Where did that came from?!?"


Another huge rock fell from the ceiling, blocking access to the waterfall! The party is now stuck in the middle of the area!

??? #1: "Heeheehee... so you want to defy Fate? I won't allow you to!"

??? #2: "Heeheehee! We're so cool! Here we come!"

Suddenly, three shadows jumped from the top of the waterfall and landed gracefully... or maybe not so gracefully in front of Drake.


??? #1: "Poochyena! You idiot!"

??? #2: "That entrance was so NOT cool, man!"

The small puppy got up, a bit dizzy.

Poochyena: "I'm sorry, boss!"

??? #1: "It's LORD Murkrow, stupid braindead rabid dog! LORD Murkrow! Sneasel! Let us show those fools!"

The three advanced toward Drake and took triumphant poses... well, somewhat. They tried to look scary and cool and all... but they mostly looked like clowns.

The one in the middle and obviously the leader was a Murkrow named... Lord Murkrow! Original isn't it? He looked like some kind of black overgrown chicken with a cheap witch hat... or is it a she? Unstead of being black like most Murkrows, this one was pink.

The one on the left was some kind of strange Pokemon who seemed to be obsessed with ninjas... and looked like one too! His clawed hands, black skin, and attitude made him look like a ninja. He was most obviously a Sneasel... and his name happened to be that too: Sneasel.

The one on the right was a small grey puppy, the one who didn't landed that well. He was totally mean-looking... but when you stare into his eyes, you know that he just cannot help it and that in fact, he's quite nice. Judging from his appearance, he's a Poochyena... and his name is that too! Such originality, isn't it?

Lord Murkrow: "Hehehe! Now... huh?"

Sneasel: "The male pichu... he seems to be somewhat weird..."

Poochyena: "He looks a bit too tall and humanoid to be normal... in fact, maybe he's a human in disguise?"

Lord Murkrow: "Of course not, you stupid moron! He's that Drake guy that Master Ho-oh wants us to eliminate! He's getting in the way of Fate!"

Sneasel: "Pah! Look at them! Do they think they stand a chance against my awesome ninja skills? Pah!"

Lord Murkrow: "They won't escape my powerful magic either!"

Poochyena: "I'll finish them off by... err... barking at them?"


Lord Murkrow used his right hand as a hand and punched Poochyena right in the nose!

Lord Murkrow: "NO! You retard! You were supposed to say that you would finish them off with your dark powers!... but well, it's normal you forgot! After all, the only powers you have are the POWERS OF STUPIDITY!"


Another punch in the nose! Poochyena yelped and began to cry.

Poochyena: "Boohoohoo! You're so mean..."

Lord Murkrow: "Whatever! The power of the Shadow Warriors will be more than enough to win the day! FOWARD!"

Drake's Dark Weapon (Buster or whatever it's name may be) sent information into his brain...

Insane Dark Pokemon assassins:

Drake (0) (IIIIIIIIII)
Dark Sarah (0) (IIIIIIIIII)
Ghastly (1) (IIIIIIIIII)



As the two rushed outside of the castle, throught the wall, the two found themselves on the balcony of the top floor of the castle.

Celebi: "OK... how did we got up here? Bah! Whatever!"

Suddenly, Celebi noticed that something was wrong as the view outside the castle constantly shifted between the real Silver Valley and the dark version...

Celebi: "What the... OH NO! The Dark Pokemons... they're not disappearing when the view change to the Silver Valley which means that..."

???: "The Silver Valley was taken over."

Celebi turned around to face the Mewtwo Wraith.

Celebi: "Who are you?!?"

Mewtwo: "I don't know. It's of no importance. A soul which is promised to me throught Fate escaped... I'm here to reclaim it."

Celebi: "Tough luck, kitty dude! The girl here comes with ME!"

Mewtwo: "Death has no right to take one of MY souls away from me."

Celebi: "Why do you want her so much anyway? Why don't you just go bug someone else?"

Mewtwo: "Why I want her? I... don't know... I just know that I must get as many souls as I can."

Celebi turned to Sarah and whispered to her...

Celebi *whispering*: "Jump off the balcony. Don't worry about what will happen when you land. I've already planned something... just don't stay here, OK? I can keep this strange wraith thing busy, you can't... so just jump before he reduces you to ashes, OK?"


During this time...


The two stopped right in their tracks as they were shocked and then, Siryx tackled into them, causing them to drop the Ever Stones!

Siryx grabbed the two stones and then turned to the two child pokemons...

Pichu #1: "Hmm... you're going to kill us, right?"

Pichu #2: "Bah! Don't be so negative! Evil never wins. You will not escape! The Shadow Warriors will come and will beat you up!"

Pichu #1: "Those clowns? Nah! I say that it will be the Legendary Dogs or the Regis that will beat them up!"

Pichu #2: "I don't care if the Legendary stuff are well, legendary! The Shadow Warriors have a ninja among them! How cool is that?"

Pichu #1: "You and your obsession with ninjas..."

The two turned to Siryx and Serra... suddenly, tears appeared in their eyes.

Pichu #2: "You're... not going to kill us, right?"

Siryx turned to Serra.

Siryx: "What do we do about those losers? I don't want to have them warn more pokemons and have the entire planet trying to kill me but well... I don't want to smack down children either..."

Siryx suddenly realised it.

Siryx: "What am I talking about? We won't be simple pokemons anymore in a matter of seconds! No need to do anything to them! OK... go away."

Pichu #1: "What? Letting us go?"

Pichu #2: "Weren't you supposed to kill us or something? After all, all Dark Pokemons are evil monsters that leave no survivors behind..."

Siryx: "Just go, OK?"

The two ran away.

Siryx: "Well... now that they're gone..."

Siryx gave one of the two Ever Stones to Serra.

Siryx: "Well... I guess it's time to undo that stupid curse, isn't it?"


During this time...


Female Lunar Dragon: "You are lame!"

Male Lunar Dragon: "Don't get so worked up. It's not his fault if he's stupid. He's just a dumb piece of scrap metal after all."

Female Lunar Dragon: "Yeah... that's right."

The two dragons got up and flied away... but before leaving, the female Lunar Dragon decided to give a "gift" to Dracoon.

Female Lunar Dragon: "Oh... and that's for you... jerk."

She fired a really small beam that travelled throught both Time and Space and as thus, was completely unnavoidable and impossible to block.

Upon impact, Dracoon's buster was surrounded by a strange corrosive substance... The substance's effects are quite nasty: Dracoon's shots can no longer damage any foe as all damage is redirected to Dracoon unstead. In short, the buster is now useless unless Dracoon finds a way to remove the substance from his buster.

Female Lunar Dragon: "I hope you'll like travelling around with no weapon when the place is infested. They're coming... and they'll eat you up whole! Serves you right, jerk!"

The two dragons got out of the room... in fact, for a strange reason, all the Lunar Dragon left the room, as if they knew something was coming or something like that...

Well, at least, the way to the Purifier was now clear.
Posts: 3411/3727
OOC Ok, NOW I feel like we might be getting somewhere.

Nino just looked at the caterpie and then at Samuria Joe.

Nino: "I think this is over... just scratch the caterpie one more time please so we can get done?"

Nino sighed, it was hard for her to act like this was serious now.

Drake reached for Dark Weapon, his thoughts began to wonder though.

Drake: (Can I even use it? In this form its going to be hard to carry and I don't think there is anything around, for a while at that. Well... I guess it might break me free of this form... maybe... hopefully... Please?) "All right, this will be helpful!"

Drake acted eager and grabbed the weapon, attempting to hold it up high in the air, but his phsyical form only let him barely raise it off the ground.

Sarah: "All right, now you're talking! Lets get out of here, I'll help you with Lugia and Ho-oh later."

Sarah rushed forward, smiling. Things actually seemed to be moving now.

Serra: "..."

Serra built up electricty as fast as she could and sent a thunder bolt at both of the pichus as she ran towards them. This wasn't the right time to mess with her.

Dracoon: "I can give you a reason to move, but don't expect me to go fetch something for you."

Dracoon began to charge an enormous amount of energy into his buster cannon.

Dracoon: "Its not really 'go get this or I won't let you pass', at least... not when I can so easily change it to 'move or this entire room gets blown away'."

Dracoon pointed the buster cannon straight down, it changed a little, opening up quite a bit. The energy began to build faster, it also seemed to be tainted slighty with time elemental energy, but it was minimal. Even an omega shot with time elemental energy fully in it would has a low chance of hurting a being who can traverse dimensions.
Posts: 1969/2036
OFF: About Sarah's part... well, the point was to show how idiotic and restricting the whole "OMG!!!111!! F0LL0W Y0UR FAT3!!!111!!!" thing is.

Don't worry, your characters will break free of that very soon (since else, they wouldn't be able to get anywhere.)

As for Dracoon's part... well, he's kind of like in a dungeon of some sort so there isn't many people to speak to. Yes... it's kind of quiet for now... but once Dracoon gets inside the Office, things should heat up.


Cliff smiled... but quickly stopped. He must NOT smile. Smiling means he has feelings and he's NOT supposed to have feelings!

Cliff dashed toward the poor little insect pokemon and scratched it's face!

The Caterpie recoiled, it's face covered with three cuts.

Samurai Joe: "Errr... I'm in trouble... OK! Caterpie! String shot!"

The Caterpie stared back at it's trainer, confused.

Cliff (0) (IIIIIIIIII)

Pinsir (0) (IIIIIIIIII) =KOed=
Caterpie (0) (IIIIIIIIII)
??? (0) (IIIIIIIIII)


During this time...


After climbing down the slippery cliff... the party made it to the exit!

Dark Sarah: "Well! Finally! I was getting fed up with that stupid cave!"

Dark Sarah rushed outside... but tripped on something along the way!

Dark Sarah: "HUH? What the..."

Dark Sarah looked at what she had tripped over... some kind of sword stuck into the ground?

Dark Sarah: "Weird... it reminds me of..."

Suddenly, an eye appeared on the hilt and stared at Drake!

???: "Hmm... are you Drake? I'm just a common Dark Weapon... but you know, since nobody produces Dark Weapons in any Dimension, that must mean that I'm special... a bit like you... or maybe not. Anyway, just grab me and bring me out of this place, OK? This place is mighty boring save for the few animals that drop down to their doom from time to time... and by the way, I'm a bit hungry. Any of you got Soul Energy for me or something? Pretty please?"

Dark Sarah stood there...

Dark Sarah: "OK... what the f*** is that Dark Weapon doing here, of all places?!?"


Suddenly, the sign was cut in two!... by none other than Celebi!

Celebi: "OK... you know what? I'm sick of my job! I quit!... and I take the scythe with me! I don't want to follow Fate anymore... even if it means that Ho-oh is gonna go medieval on me personally! Come on, people! How can I continue on with my job if even a common pichu looks uber smart and strong compared to me?"

Celebi smiled... and then, she used her scythe to cut the wall down to size!... literally!

Celebi: "OK! Here we go! Outside the Valley we go!... and by the way, I've noticed that you had no shadow. Lost your Dark Side recently? No need to anwser by the way... I know about that kind of stuff. We'll find your Dark Side and reunited you with it, eventually! Now... FOWARD!"


During this time...


After a while, Siryx begins to get tired of waiting...

Siryx: "OK... I don't mind being in this form... but as long as I get to travel by myself! GET ME OUT OF THAT STUPID BALL!!!"

Lieutenant Shadow: "Sheesh! Such noisy, noisy animals!"

Siryx: "You know... I may have lost my dark powers... but know that if I fry you with a Thunder attack, it will still do the same!"

Lieutenant Shadow: "Alright, alright, mister Grumpy! We arrived anyway!"

In a flash of light, Siryx and Serra were back outside! It was now daytime and they were in the middle of a town filled with tourist stands and souvenir shops.

The tourist stand just in front of them was selling... Ever Stones!

Siryx: "Hey! Did you seen that, Serra? All we have to do is hold those things for about a few seconds while emptying our minds... and we'll be back to our good old forms!"

Lieutenant Shadow spoke with the shopkeeper, gave him a few bills, and then took the two Ever Stones...

Lieutenant Shadow: "There you go, boss!"

Lieutenant Shadow was about to give the two stones to Serra and her husband... when two pichus came out from under the tourist stand and snatched them!


Pichu #1: "Nyah nyah! Those shiny stones now belong to me and my brother! That's what you get for breaking the Holy Laws, stupid Dark Pokemons! Now, let's go dump them into the river so that they may never find them!"

Pichu #2: "Yeah! That will teach them, defying Fate!"

The two ran throught the crowd toward the nearest river.

Siryx: "Oh no! We did not make it all the way here to get stuck in those stupid, fat forms! After them!"

Siryx invited Serra to follow him as he begun to pursue the stupid rats who stole the relics they need so much.


During this time...


The couple of Lunar Dragons awakened and stared at Dracoon, with an expression of total boredom on their faces. They used their powers to communicate with Dracoon...

Male Lunar Dragon: "We aren't moving from there until you give us a good reason to do so..."

Female Lunar Dragon: "Or unless you can get us a toy of some sort. I'm so booored..."

Male Lunar Dragon: "Hey! It's not my fault if you ripped apart the last one!"

Female Lunar Dragon: "Hmph! That teddy bear wasn't worth anything if you ask me!"

Male Lunar Dragon: "I tought you just looooved teddy bears?"

Female Lunar Dragon: "I like them sturdy, thank you. No cheap stuff for me, no siree! Anyway... if you find me a good teddy bear, mister robot, then I'll move from that spot. Got it? Find me a cute, little teddy bear for the girl and she'll act nice with you by moving out of the way, OK?"

Male Lunar Dragon: "Why don't you go look for you yourself? This sounds like a stupid fetch quest that is used as filler for RPs on random message boards on the Internet!"

Female Lunar Dragon: "You have the right to shut up, dear."
Posts: 3382/3727
Nino: "Alright! Get him with Scratch Cliff!"

Nino cheered again, Cliff and her were working well together.

Drake jumped up and started climbing, thinking a little bit on the way. (Sheesh, what is up with this horribly repeditive scnerio, it'd be great if I could actually do something. I bet everyone elses parts are almost the exact same.)

(Nothing I can do here, I've been pressed for story ideas and there is really nothing more I can do with a super weakened character, limited at all points by some stupid thing or another.)

(Same with Serra)

(And no character interaction and stuff is really not giving me much to do on Dracoon's part.)

Dracoon makes his way near the dragon, readying his buster cannon and beam sword. He's really getting a little fed up with all of this, its times like these when he had the will to just blow the entire ship to hell.
Posts: 1959/2036
Cliff, surprised to be encouraged rather than ordered, was a bit confused... what to do?

As Pinsir slowly got up, he'd figured out he'd be better taking it out...

Cliff dashed toward the enemy and then slashed a second time, knocking out the enemy Pinsir.

Samurai Joe brought back Pinsir back into his pokeball.

Samurai Joe: "Ugh! Why do this always happen to me?!? Caterpie!"

Samurai Joe thrown another pokeball!

Some kind of small caterpillar came out...

Samurai Joe: "Caterpie!"

Samurai Joe was about to give him an order... but he forgot his strategy!

Samurai Joe: "Err..."

Not knowing what "Err" stood for, Caterpie standed there, staring at his trainer...

Cliff (0) (IIIIIIIIII)

Pinsir (0) (IIIIIIIIII) =KOed=
Caterpie (0) (IIIIIIIIII)
??? (0) (IIIIIIIIII)


During this time...


Suddenly, a long rope fell in front of Drake.

Dark Sarah: "Kinda cheap if you ask me!"

A hammer fell on Dark Sarah's head!

Dark Sarah: "OW! BIG JERK!"

A bigger hammer fell on Dark Sarah's head!

Dark Sarah: "OK! OK! No need for more hammers..."

An even bigger hammer fell on Dark Sarah's head!

Dark Sarah: "YOU BIG *the remaining of what Dark Sarah said has been censored. Sorry for the inconvenience. Signed: the Chronicles of Darkness staff.*"

Ghastly *still invinsible*: "Yuck yuck yuck! Sorry, couldn't resist the temptation. Anyway, the left side of the cliff isn't quite as slippery. Go on, chickens! Show me your climbing skills!"


Not moving = not accomplishing anything.

Since Sarah doesn't move, nothing happens.


During this time...


As Dracoon made it to the last warehouse.

The office was on the second floor. All he had to do is climb the stairs and... err...

The Dimensional Anomaly happens to be in this room and thus, the entire warehouse is filled with Lunar Dragons doing... err... stuff... and a couple of those dragons happen to be sleeping just in front of the stairs, blocking the access to the office where the oh-so-needed Purifier is.

So far, the Lunar Dragons are mostly ignoring Dracoon...

Safety limit: 23:49
Posts: 3377/3727
Nino: "Great Cliff! Give him another!"

Nino shouted again, but it was a shout of encouragement, not an order.

Drake: "Hey, Ghastly, think you can help?"

Drake waited for an answer, he didn't want to have to really do this alone.

Sarah: "... I'm taking my first chance at them..."

Dracoon: "Guide me to the next purifier."

Comp pointed Dracoon in the right direction and he started walking, these dragons were harmful in an innocent sort of way. He didn't want to have to fight one if it was mad.
Posts: 1958/2036
Cliff dashed toward Pinsir and then slashed Pinsir with his claws!

Altought Pinsir seemed to be very hard to damage physically... one had to take in account that this Pinsir's level was... well... pathetic.

As such, Pinsir jumped away from Clif after being hit, screaming in pain!

Samurai Joe: "Hey! Hey! Hey! Man! That rookie is beating me up!"

Cliff (0) (IIIIIIIIII)

Pinsir (0) (IIIIIIIIII)
??? (0) (IIIIIIIIII)
??? (0) (IIIIIIIIII)


During this time...


The two reached the edge of the path.

In front of them, a rather large waterfall.

Dark Sarah: "Any idea how to climb down? There's a path just a little bit below... but if we slip, it's a long way below and I have NO intention of dying here!"


Celebi closed her eyes and then yelled as she flied toward Sarah at high speed!



An invisible wall came out of nowhere, causing the two to smash into it at high speed... and judging from the speed of both characters, it must have been bad for the health of both characters!

Then, a mysterious wind forced Sarah out of the room and closed the door behind her.

The door disappeared so that she would not return within and then, all the doors disappeared exept for a single one with a huge sign next to it.

On the sign was written:

"Stupid mortal! Your Fate is supposed to be simple to understand! Get there at once and follow your Fate unstead of trying to choose your path! Mortals do what they're told to do, stupid!

Signed: Ho-oh, your creator and master which you shall NOT question"


During this time...


Unfortunately for Dracoon, this was a mere breeze to the little Lunar Dragon.

The Lunar Dragon giggled and then teleported away...

The danger was gone... for now.

Safety limit: 25:30
Posts: 3376/3727
Nino looked a little embarassed but regained her composure.

Nino: "Ok... so you don't have ember yet, no problem... Slash him from the side and be careful of those pincers!"

Drake: "I... have no clue..."

Drake kept walking down the path, more confused now than ever. Being shocked from his own attack had hurt, but not significantly.

Sarah: "How about this... we both run at each other as fast as possibly!"

Sarah dashed towards Celebi as fast as she could, expecting the wind and still trying to go faster to break through it.

Serra *thinking*: "Right... now j ust to wait and hope they know what they're doing..."

Dracoon: "Wind Breaker!"

Dracoon spun his sword around as fast as he could, forcing the wind around it and him.

Dracoon: "I'm sorry, I need this."
Posts: 1952/2036
Cliff side stepped the incoming Pinsir and then opened his mouth... and a puff of smoke came out.

Nino's pokedex activated itself.

"Pokemons given to new Pokemon Trainers are often very young and can't even use basic elemental attacks. By using the pokedex you can evaluate a pokemon's status and see when he becomes able to use more advanced attacks... unless the pokemon tells you first.

It will take a while for this charmander to learn Ember, the basic fire attack... but not that much time. By the time all of Samurai Joe's pokemons have been defeated, your charmander should have obtained it.

Important note... due to the Holy Laws (forbidden piece of information reserved to only Pokemon Trainers that Proffessor Oak trusts), pokemons believe that they do not have the right to act on their own during battle and will follow orders blindly even they know the order is stupid. Due to the pokemons' fear of punishment from other pokemons if they break the Holy Laws, it will take a long, long time before a pokemon trusts it's trainer enough to actually work with the trainer during battle unstead of just being plain used."

Cliff (0) (IIIIIIIIII)

Pinsir (0) (IIIIIIIIII)
??? (0) (IIIIIIIIII)
??? (0) (IIIIIIIIII)


During this time...


The Misdreavus was fried by the thunderbolt!... but becease of Drake's current form, he most probably fried himself as well... but the important is that he struck the Misdreavus and that it was not in vain!

Misdreavus: "Errr... ouch?"

In a flash of light, Celebi appeared behind Misdreavus...

Misdreavus: "What? Again?!?"

Celebi: "To the Void with you!"

Celebi sliced the ghost with her scythe, causing the evil spirit to be cut into pieces and to vanish, this time once and for all. It's necklace fell down and shattered down below...

Celebi: "I'll come back for you two eventually."

Celebi disappeared.

Dark Sarah: "OK... what was that about?"


Celebi disappeared... and then, she reappeared instantly in front of Sarah!

Celebi: "Sorry. I had a job to do... anyway, you want to know what? I can't control my fate! Watch!"

Celebi flied toward Sarah at high speed but when she was about to touch her, a gust of wind again appeared and slammed Celebi into the closest wall!

Then, Celebi teleported next to Sarah and tried to place her hand on her shoulder... but a dimensional rift appeared below Sarah, sucked in, teleported her away, and then a gust of wind slammed BOTH Sarah and Celebi into the walls!

Celebi: "Ooow... Well... as you can see, Fate control our lives. All attempts to go against Fate are doomed to fail in a way or another as you can see..."


During this time...


Thanks to the systems in the special customised Serra was in, she could see that Fierce Deity was wearing a strange necklace... Both Dark Weapons had been transformed into pendants and were tied to the necklace!


During this time...


The young Lunar Dragon moved so quickly it seemed to teleport. It somehow arrived just in front of Dracoon, giggled, and then blew on his sword with about four times the strenght of a hurricane!

He was obviously in the glowing blade and tried to get it out of Dracoon's hand!

Safety limit: 26:49
Posts: 3371/3727
Nino: "Ok, side step his tackle and try to use Ember!"

Nino was kinda hoping Cliff could use Ember, but it was all luck right now.

Electricty bounced around Drake for a second and he aimed at the ghost.

Drake: "Thunderbolt!"

Lightning shot from Drake, going right into the ghost, probably stunning it or causing it to faint.

Sarah: "Why don't you get it in your head that YOU control your OWN fate!"

Serra already wanted to kill the Anti-Exs. It was not right that they did that. She then thought of something, what happened to dark weapon?

Dracoon jumped backwards and had his beam sword out and ready. He would rather not have to fight this, it would take to much energy and probably to much time.
Posts: 1948/2036
Cliff advanced foward, a bit intimidated by the huge insect... but he knew that this huge thing was more bark than bite.

Samurai Joe: "Alright! Go on! TACKLE!"

The huge insect moved it's bulky frame slowly toward Cliff, trying to get close enough so it could jump toward Cliff!

Cliff turned to Nino, awaiting her orders. After all, altought he'd like to act on his own, he was not allowed to. He had to do what Nino would tell him to do, even if it resulted in physical harm or was particuliary stupid.


During this time...


The Misdreavus missed Drake and then turned around.

Misdreavus: "Oh! So you want it this way? Fine!"

The ghost closed her eyes and when she opened them, she fired some kind of laser beam toward Drake!

Dark Sarah reacted by throwing an explosive sphere of darkness toward the Misdreavus! This caused the attack to go at the wrong angle, striking the bridge and doing nothing.

However, just like the Light Sarah takes damage from using electricity, Dark Sarah too takes damage from using dark powers... but judging from how she looked, Dark Sarah didn't took serious damage.

Dark Sarah: "Go on! Blow that jerk away! Quickly!"


Celebi: "Err... I'm so sorry but well... ghosts avoid me like the plague becease that I am destined to finish them off. You know... Fate..."

Celebi began to feel REALLY frustrated! She had lots of power... but what good did it do? Becease of Fate, she was helpless!


During this time...


As soon as Serra finished her sentance, Lieutenant Shadow placed them back into pokeballs.

Fierce Deity: "Warn them before doing that, at least!"

Lieutenant Shadow: "We don't have much time. If we want to be able to obtain those Ever Stones we located..."

Fierce Deity: "I know, I know... let's go."

The Anti-Exs left the room and then, the farm altogether...


During this time...


The red robot ignored Dracoon... it kept on firing.

Red robot: "Must eliminate intruder. Must eliminate intruder. Must... elim..."

The red robot fell apart, completely consumed by the pollution!

The Lunar Dragon continued to fly around erratically, laughing until it finally noticed that the red robot was gone...

It came down, stared at the red robot's remains with interest... and then turned to Dracoon.

"Scans indicate that this Lunar Dragon is very young. A child, most probably...
This Lunar Dragon seems like he wants to play... which will probably involve chewing upon what he sees moving!
His fangs have ludicrously high penetration ability and incredible strenght; a single bite will scrap your armor beyond recognition... which will directly expose critical systems to the polluted air resulting on general system failure.
This red robot must have fell apart following a bite. Deep marks of teeth were detected on it's armor before it fell apart."
Posts: 3370/3727
Nino: "All right Cliff, show him what you can do!"

Nino pointed forward threateningly with a huge smile still on her face.

Drake did the thing that came naturally and ducked, hoping that the ghost would completey miss him.

Sarah: "Ugh... do you know where I can find one?"

Sarah sighed, she REALLY didn't like this place.

Serra: "I have to agree. I can't stand this form, I want to go back to my real form and maybe get some real power back. We better hurry, and if we're lucky, someone already started on this."

Dracoon: "Stop it you have no clue what you're doing!"

Dracoon stood in front of the robot, his buster cannon pointed directly at its head with energy already charged up.

Dracoon: "For your own good, I suggest you stop."
Posts: 1946/2036
Samurai Joe: "Alright! Took you long enough! PINSIR! I choose you!"

Samurai Joe thrown a pokeball and out of it came a somewhat large and intidating brown insect with two gigantic horns on the top of it's head.

Samurai Joe: "Go on! Send your pokemon!"


During this time...


The Misdreavus became visible and then sticked her tongue at Drake!

Misdreavus: "You're going to fall and become one of us!"

Misdreavus flied toward Drake and then tried to tackle him, sending him off the bridge and toward oblivion!

Misdreavus: "OOPS! I am so "sorry"! Hahahaha!"

Dark Sarah tried to throw a thunderbolt... but found out that she had no electrical powers. Looks like the Light side inherited all the electrical powers and the Dark side, the dark powers.


Celebi turned to Sarah.

Celebi: "Sorry... but destiny dictated that I cannot touch you and unless you can find a ghost pokemon living in this castle, there's no way you'll ever find your way trought the castle. It's maze uses a special "Paradox" system that fools intruders... which means that only beings unnaffected by time, such as Immortals and the dead, can get trought it."


During this time...


Lieutenant Shadow: "It's not that simple... the Pokemon planet is know for two facts... first, it's famous for being UBER annoying... and second, it's know for being one of the most dangerous worlds around."

Fierce Deity: "Pokemons are no jokes, I tell you! Even the smallest animal on this world is sentient and has dangerous magical powers."

Lieutenant Shadow: "Furthermore, becease of the Pokemon League's regulations, which controls the world using the power of pokemons, there is no way to get anywhere fast unless you get high-ranked in the competitions or get badges."

Fierce Deity: "It took Ex Lightheart a full three years to clear this world. If we're lucky, it will take us four or five years... if we're lucky."

Lieutenant Shadow: "We must look at the advantages however! The Guardians, too, cannot nuke this world easily. Ho-oh, the brother of the reigning deity, Lugia, may be a total jerk... but even with the large Death Star thingy the Guardians built, they probably won't be able to nuke this world as soon as Lugia and Ho-oh are around."

Fierce Deity: "Furthermore, the Guardians too, when on the surface, have to face the same problems as us. They too, must collect badges and try and find ways to satisfy or bypass the Pokemon League's regulations."

Lieutenant Shadow: "Getting trought this world will be no cakewalk, no siree!"

Siryx sighed.

Siryx: "Man... I just hope we get those Ever Stones as fast as possible. Getting stuck on this world for years is already bad... but I certainly don't wait to be stuck in that tiny, ugly body for that long!"


During this time...


As Dracoon made his way to the hall to the right, toward the next warehouse, sounds could be heard... sounds of a battle!

Dracoon entered a new warehouse that was mostly identical to the one he just got out of... exept that this time, a strange robot wearing a dark-red armor was firing at a Lunar Dragon with blue energy balls!

The Lunar Dragon was effortlessly dodging the balls and the few that struck apparently did no damage and only caused the Lunar Dragon to laugh at the robot, which got angered even further, trying even harder to kill the dragon!
Posts: 3369/3727
Nino: "Oh, come on, lighten up, have feelings and enjoy them."

Nino sprung up and pointed at Samuria Joe.

Nino: "Ok, we accept your challenge!"

Drake almost flinched and fell off the place in terror. He regained his balance and composure and shouted.


Sarah: "Grr..."

Sarah grinded her teeth a little, Fate was being to make her VERY mad.

Serra: "Do you have any plans, because I really have no clue what we should do. If we could get Star or Dracoon down here, we could just blow everything up and ask questions later. This world is REALLY starting to piss me off."

Serra appeared very very mad.

Dracoon changed his direction and headed towards the purifier, just thinking.

Dracoon: "Their scales... If I could infuse their DNA with my armor, I'd have a near perfect armor. Almost as strong as an Ex beings."
Posts: 1945/2036
Cliff stared at his trainer and smiled... but then, he stopped smiling, knowing pokemons are supposed to supress their feelings and obey their instincts...

Cliff: "That samurai guy? He's pretty famous. He's called something like Samurai Joe. Even free... I mean wild pokemons take on him from times to times for fun... I mean, to train themselves. After all, as pokemons, we are mere animals and have no feelings... well or... nevermind. I'll take on his pokemons."


During this time...


Dark Sarah: "Really? You knew that Misdreavus was there?"

It was then that it became obvious that something was wrong. The ghost that helped Drake was a Ghastly, not a Misdreavus!

A laugh could be heard... the laugh of a girl... and it was not Dark Sarah's!


Celebi held out her hand... and as the two were about to touch, a great gust of wind came from nowhere and slammed Celebi into the closest wall!

Celebi: "Ooow... just as I tought... Fate won't let us touch others..."


During this time...


As Serra grasped the hilt of her weapon, it opened it's main eye and stared deep into Serra's soul... but still couldn't hear it's voice. She didn't reverted back to her old form either...

As Siryx took back Soul Eater, he turned to his wife.

Siryx: "Don't be disappointed. Only a legendary Ever Stone can return us to normal. If you ever heard of the Time Egg... then you know what an Ever Stone. Ever Stone have very powerful effects on time, returning a being to his original form and breaking even the strongest curse."

He turned to Lieutenant Shadow.

Siryx: "Did you located four of them?"

Lieutenant Shadow: "Yes... but the problem is that two are in Plateau Indigo and the two others at the entrance of Silver Valley. Only a Trainer with all 8 Badges is allowed in Plateau Indigo... and only the Champion and the official Champion's Challenger can enter the Silver Valley. Getting there will NOT be easy."

Siryx: "I see..."


During this time...


The Lunar Dragon stared at Dracoon, laughed, and then zoomed out of the room at an incredible!

Looks like it's gone...

Safety limit: 27:10
Posts: 3368/3727
Nino: "Ok, so do you want to stay and fight, or just run past him?"

Nino was clearly excited and smiling very brightly, but she didn't forget what started this, she needed to try and stay in focus.

Drake: "I knew he was there somewhere, just not where exactly."

Drake kept going, trying to just shrug this off. He was the one that really needed to stay focused on everything.

Sarah: "Ugh, that fate stuff again? I'm going to get sick listening to it..."

Sarah held out her hand to Celebi, hoping she'd take it.

Serra rushed to Dark Weapon, forgetting about getting back at the Anit-Exs. She touched it, hoping to feel its presence, and maybe even clense her and turn her back to normal self.

Dracoon continued to examine it, as it examined him.

Dracoon: "Do you understand me?"
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